In Italy the most profitable loans deteriorated – Economy



Italian impaired loans are worth more than those of German and British banks, and Italian institutions also have fewer derivatives and illiquid badets. To remember this is the Fabi in his report on suffering and derivatives that reports Eba data. According to the European Banking Authority, in fact, derivative and illiquid badets represent 9.7% of the total badets of our country's banks compared to 16.6% for French banks, 17.1% for banks and 16% of French banks. , 2% for German banks. Even financial trade in Italy represents 6.3% of budget badets against 23% of UK banks, 18.5% of French banks and 19% of German banks. "Regulators, however – says the head of the banking union Lando Sileoni – unfortunately, do not know or do not want to deal with market risk.It seems that they prefer to focus on Npl because c & rsquo; May be more convenient, but this way of acting is very distortive and penalizing for banking systems like the Italian that focuses on traditional business. "" Impose pressure sales of loans doubtful – but Sileoni still argues – favors the market for speculators, damaging the banks and their workers who have already contributed to the recovery of the sector. "Based on the EBA data, in addition to the higher quantitative levels of NPL by compared to the average of the major European countries, Italy can boast of better profitability – with a Roe (return on equity, capital gains) in 2017 equal to 9% against low levels of 1 , 7% and 3.9% of b German and British anques.
UniCredit organizes the sale of more than 3 billion euros of impaired loans with various transactions. The bank headed by Jean Pierre Mustier, reports Bloomberg, is reviewing the final offers for a $ 700 million (Narciso) portfolio, which he plans to finalize the sale next month. The institute is also looking for buyers for two portfolios, called Milan and Turin, for a total of 1.8 billion euros, for which bids are expected next month. Finally, another portfolio worth about 500 million euros is on sale.
Bank risks are also taken into account by the Eurogroup, with the proposal to parachute the security bank fund, provided by the ESF Savings Fund, which will be prepared by December. It is a risk-sharing measure, which would occur if a state had exhausted its guarantee fund, to repay the savers of a bank in bankruptcy. It is expected to come into effect in 2024, or in 2020, but only after a further tightening on bank risk reduction. •

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