In piccapietra – Genoa, the Rinascente is closed. Presidium of the last day | Liguria | Genoa


One of the sit-ins of the Rinascente workers

One of the sit-ins of the Rinascente workers

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Genoa – The announcement of the closure of Rinascente he had arrived suddenly a year ago; tonight, the employees, having believed in their promises and hoping to change their minds at the top, will bring to life a kind of burial of their workplace just before the end of the last round. It will be more than anything else a defense that will involve the remaining employees and employees – about twenty – but will also see the participation of citizens, parents, clients and former colleagues who have managed in recent months to find another place.

the who resigned (four), who accepted the transfer (fourteen) and who was waiting for the miracle that did not exist.

Someone had believed the words of local authorities who, at the first and only union table – that was in March – were sure of the existence of an alternative, which would guarantee the continuity of employment. The bargaining table had been updated for the beginning of the summer, but that had not been done. It was therefore clear that the end was near. Also because of the foreign investor (Harrods?) Who seemed ready to invest new capital, a day after the close, not even the shadow. "There is many projects, but none can be concretely definedSigh Nicola Poli from the union.

When the shutters of the Via Vernazza department stores are lowered (the property belongs to Banca Carige), completely empty after months of sale, there will remain only one good way out for those who have stayed (the negotiations with the rsu are In progress ). There is a lot of consternation. And anger. Cinzia Ronzitti is the spokeswoman, explaining the state of mind of the unemployed, but also of those who found an agreement that changed their lives overnight: "This garrison was born from the moment you lose your employment, the feeling of emptiness that you feel in despair is that of a significant loss in your life. Bereavement. Hence my idea to burial the 43 jobs lost ". There is so much bitterness in these words: "It will be a compound and civil moment born of paintrue workers, without any flag, neither political nor trade union. We are all women … some men are already gone. " The funeral garrison, or funeral garrison, will begin around 7 pm when Ronzitti will speak to read a few lines. A letter to remind what were the promises and what was the epilogue. Then, the absolute freedom to do other interventions. Because the warehouses of the Genoese bourgeoisie were a real institution and dismayed that nobody is ready to take control, even if the spaces are important.

Via Vernazza, the Rinascente occupied five thousand square meters: three floors in the heart of Genoa will remain deserted tonight. And that is partly already explained now, since the sale – with discounts of 90% – went well. Of course, after 58 years of activity, raising the white flag hurts; especially in Genoa, where a landmark disappears due to its pbadage to Rinascente. Tonight, the public stop, and then from Monday, the last four employees will release the walls of the shelves and outfits. And the windows will stay in the dark. Forever?

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