In Puglia – Di Maio tried to give the OK to the tap. Minister Lezzi: "Decide it" | Italy


  The Tap Tap of Meledugno (Lecce), guarded by the police during the extraction of olive trees

The Tap Tap of Meledugno (Lecce), guarded by the police during the extraction of olive trees [19659003] <! – ->

Rome – Who collects his explosions for weeks, describes it furious, tired of all these pressures nervous about a story that seems to haunt her, as if everything depended on. she: "What is Luigi (Di Maio, ed)? They all come to ask me about Tap, as if I were responsible. But it is he who must make a decision, he is the competent minister. "

Minister of the South Barbara Lezzi can not stand it anymore And it was seen yesterday that he reached the limit, in the scene (a term we borrow you) all from Puglia with the Governor of the region Michele Emiliano Already injured by the protests that three days ago the former comrades of the fighting No Tap Tap, did not come down as the president dem bypbaded and turned to Alessandro Di Battista, a former deputy , reminding him of the gatherings in which he promised that the tap "never, ever" would be completed and that he was going to the government M5S would have "stuck in two weeks" . the election campaign, because apparently the competent minister, namely Luigi Di Maio, owner of the economic development, is convinced that the Trans Adriatic pipeline must be done.For a simple reason: because we can no longer stop, because there are contracts e t that the project is in full progress. That's what yesterday confirmed the US State Department at ANSA, confirming the news of La Stampa on the call launched by the Americans to the Italian government a few days before Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte's visit to the White House.

But to understand how the crisis of the nerves that fell on the M5S and the executive on the Tap can open a political and diplomatic gulf, one must go to order . Align the contradictory facts and statements of recent weeks. Lezzi, June 14: "The tap, a useless job, can also be harmful, and especially it is an already old work". Lezzi, three days later tempered the certainties: "Personally I consider it as a useless work, but there is a ratified treaty for 5 years". July 18, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Enzo Moavero Milanesi accompanying the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella in Baku, Azerbaijan: "Italy confirms commitments on the pipeline, in a manner consistent, clearly, with environmental restrictions." When asked in the House, Lezzi is embarrbaded. Two days later, University of Lecce: the minister is accepted as follows: "Traitor. You are worse than Bellanova (former Deputy Minister of Development of the Democratic Party, editor's note) ". The eyes betray the disappointment: for her, doc Salento, activist all bread and M5S, the Tap was the baptism of fire and with these protesters until a few months ago was leading a battle shoulder to shoulder for defend the beach of San Foca, a few kilometers from his home.

The call of Emiliano to Di Battista was the last drop. Lezzi took it as a provocation, the conflict degenerated and the videos immortalized everything. Even when the minister lets go: "We are working to block work", in contradiction with what Moavero said . Di Maio knows that the M5S has its roots in campaigns against big works that can not be snubbed, especially if the government will not last long. And in the end, squeezed by the demands of the militants and the demands of the Quirinal and the Americans, he turns around: "The real big mistake of the Tap is, first of all, that there is no dialogue with the communities ". Even Di Battista, who is questioned by Mexico, where he travels with his family, responds to Emiliano with a video: "Do a little paraculo, there are ministers who take care of it. You will find that these "stupid" works will be dealt with in the right way. "Yes, but how will the ministers approach them?

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