In Spain, the first system of reception of migrants collapses


In the past three days, about 1,300 migrants have arrived by sea on the Spanish coast, especially those in Andalusia, the autonomous community located further south of Spain. The landings mainly took place in the bay of Algeciras, this piece of coast between the city of Algeciras and Gibraltar, just in front of Morocco and the Spanish enclave of Ceuta. The last 1,300 have been added to the many migrants who have arrived in Spain in recent weeks across the Mediterranean: more than 4,500 people in July alone, nearly 20,000 since the beginning of the year. Spain has thus become the first route of access for migrants arriving in Europe by sea, overtaking Italy for the first time in years.

The problem is that the first reception structures do not hold: in the last Hundreds of migrants have slept on the decks of rescue vessels at sea, in the courtyard of the Algeciras police station and in outdoor spaces of fortune. An unspecified number of migrants, wrote País ended up wandering aimlessly in the southern cities of Spain, such as Medina Sidonia and Chiclana de la Frontera, after the first 72 hours under control have been completed police and without any process of identification. For the moment, it does not seem that this situation can be solved, because the Spanish docking system is not used for a number of arrivals and can not follow the continuous landings that should be continue throughout the summer.

Díaz, president of the Andalusian junta and prime opponent of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez in the Spanish Socialist Party, asked the government to bring together all the autonomous communities of Spain to "distribute the effort on the "Immigration", especially in cases of unaccompanied minors. Díaz also appealed to the European Union, raising an old question – that of the division of migrants in different member countries – never resolved: "It is a collective and shared responsibility." EU countries can not be voluntary, and in the event that a country refuses to badume its responsibilities, it should pay the consequences. "

What is Spain doing with the migrants by the sea

Meanwhile, the Andalusian government and the Spanish central government are trying to find temporary solutions. In the structures of the port of San Roque, a municipality of just under 30 thousand inhabitants of the bay of Algeciras, a temporary reception center is being installed, announced a few days ago by the Spanish Minister of the Interior Fernando Grande-Marlaska. for about 500 migrants. It is unclear, however, whether such initiatives will be enough to solve the emergency, particularly because of the policies of the last two Italian governments, which have reduced the number of migrants arriving on the Italian coast by entering into agreements with the militias and the government. Libyan government. (Government Gentiloni) and prevent NGOs and military ships of the mission Sophia to land in Italy (Government Conte)

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