In the 11th annual report of the INPS, the Chamber speaks of Boeri – Economia


At 11am, the annual report of the Inps is presented at the Queen's Palazzo Montecitorio Hall. Introductory greetings from the Deputy Speaker of the House, Maria Edera Spadoni. Speech by Luigi Di Maio, Minister of Economic Development and Labor and Social Policy. The president of the Institute, Tito Boeri, illustrates the report. The appointment is broadcast live on the webtv

Inps: 5.5 million pensioners under 1000 euros – In 2017, retirees under a thousand euros per month rose to 5 million and 548 thousand, 35, 9% of the total (15 million and 477 thousand). This is reflected in the tables on pension income (gross) in the annual report. The figure is down from the previous report (37.5%). For women, the percentage of those receiving less than 1,000 euros per month stands at 44.8% (3 million and 686,000). Nearly 1 million and 114 thousand (7.2%) are those who receive more than 3 thousand euros a month

Income inclusion (Rei) would affect, when it would be fully operational , 1 million and 462 thousand people, equal to 525 thousand families. The INPS estimates in the annual report, pointing out that the measure would reach 29% of the 5 million absolute poor. Resources "directly affluent" to beneficiaries are equal, it is estimated at about 1.8 billion. With another $ 6.2 billion prospectus, it would be able to cover "substantially all of the absolute poor".

The estimate of workers involved in the work of the labor economy is in "a range of 589.040 to 753.248" .This is the Inps report, which includes the survey of the Debenedetti Foundation with which it collaborated, the figures are a little different from the first presentation, "because a more thorough cleaning of the data was applied" and a more complex system. Inps then notes that, despite the fact that "the public debate is motorcyclist-driven", they represent "a limited part of the mission's economy, which is just over 10%"

. Fixed-term and apprenticeship relationships between 2016 and 2017 "increased significantly from 3.7 million to 4.6 million", thus increasing by "close to one million" (+ 24% The Inps reported in the annual report, recording a decline for elsewhere permanent: from 14.1 million to 13.8 million. "An important factor for the expansion of terms of duration – explains the Institute – came from the abolition, in March 2017, of adjustment through coupons of work services accessory". Overall, employment (excluding agriculture) increased by 3.5% (from 17,774,866 to 18,391,228).

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