In the amendment 125 million Campidoglio Maxi: funds for the streets


of 125,992 million euros the magnitude of the largest amendment approved Monday by the Capitoline Government, funds from administrative surpluses that will be used mainly for investment in urban maintenance work, 58 million, for sustainable transport and mobility, 17.5 million. The new funds are insured with the application of the administrative surplus, of which just over 16 million replace the form of funding for the work already present in the budget. The global maneuver made possible thanks to the space of financial expenditure granted by the Ministry of Economy and Finance. We have approved a maximum amendment that we can call the "unblocking yards": – comments the mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi – 125 million investments. Finally, construction sites are broken down with 58 million euros for infrastructure, of which 20 for roads and more than 17.5 for transport and sustainable mobility. He then added: The 125 million are all ours new minister (dell 'Economia Giovanni Tria, ed) finally gave us the opportunity to use the surplus for investment.

The work

In the current part of the approximately 850 000 euros are also allocated to guarantee home care for minors and seniors in different countries. Road maintenance interventions – 20.7 million – are most relevant in via di Tor Sapienza, piazza re di Roma, via del Mare, via Ostiense, via Battistini, via Collatina, viale Palmiro Togliatti, viale Marconi, via Salaria, via Boccea. There is then 8.6 million euros for metropolitan lines, including an extraordinary maintenance, a fire protection system for metro stations A and B, the replacement of 22 escalators and 22 metro B elevators, improvements in Metro C. list of interventions also 7.2 million euros for redevelopment of green spaces, the project Tevere, trees to plant and new playgrounds. In terms of sustainable mobility, 3.8 million euros are devoted to preferential routes (via La Spezia via Taranto, via Portuense, via Marmorata-viale Jonio, Viale Libia-viale Eritrea), the island environmental Quadraro vecchio, corridors dedicated to local public transport (viale Palmiro Togliatti), tramway trams Tiburtina, supports, road signs. 3.7 million are dedicated to the maintenance and requalification of local markets. Then 3.4 million for parking at the Acilia-Dragona station.

The Democratic Party: The installation of the skylight

Immediate commentary of the oppositions to the Capitol. For Anton Giulio Pelonzi, leader of the Democratic Party in the city, the junta's Maxi-Amendment, considering the economic standard of 125 million euros plus 140 million euros for the construction of the Congress Bridge seems to be the real regulation. We have never seen a junta maxi-amendment of this size, which is beyond the scope of the adjustment proposed in the original. The junta and the majority have therefore – continues the note – presented a fiscal adjustment that was nothing more than a "skylight" and then reversed with a maxi-amendment without giving the possibility to oppositions and at the same majority to consider it or amend it. All this while 93% of the amendments and odgs presented by our group and other oppositions were canceled. Finally, concludes Pelonzi, the presentation of a resolution on the company Roma Multiservizi is proposed, which provides for an extension of the service pending the call for offers for dual purpose and without giving the time to the company. 39; Assembly to study the acts concerning services for the future city employment of about 4,000 workers. The overthrow of clear rules as an attempt to block the prerogatives of minorities. We will be there until the very end with the intention of blocking what has become a clbadroom maneuver for punctual interventions for propaganda purposes – concludes Pelonzi – to intervene on the real infrastructural and social emergencies of the city

July 30, 2018 | 18:56


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