in the burial flames ecoballe, dense toxic cloud


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<p clbad= Maximum light at the Caivano waste storage site at Pascarola Un dense and toxic black cloud is visible at least 50 km away

A new dense and huge toxic cloud rising in the Casertano skies Today afternoon, Wednesday, July 25, 2018 , a large fire broke out on the storage site of Caivano in Pascarola, to burn tons of ecoballe from material collected with the differentiated plastic waste, including several There have been two poisoned so far.The column of black smoke is visible even from Ischia and Capri and the inhabitants of Caivano environs "warn one nauseating type burnt oil The flames can not be tamed at the earliest two days The mayor of [1 9459011] Marcianise states: "We must take these people and the politicians, their friends and their accomplices, with pitchforks."

Rogo in the Caivano landfill

While some newspapers claim that "The land of fire is a hoax" (cit. It Tempo), from the end of the morning to today in the storage site of Caivano are "burning all so-called" ecoballe "of waste that have absolutely nothing ecological "Nostrum Trentola Ducenta" .The fire broke out at 13:00 and around 16:00 "the situation was still out of control" in burning discharge in Pascarola, the company of waste recovery "Di Gennaro Spa"

"Keep burning everything.

– warns the movement – The very large column black smoke is visible more than 50 kilometers, is perfectly visible Trentola Ducenta (Municipality in the province of Caserta, Ed), from everywhere agro aversano , the coast of Domizio, and also reported by the islands, Ischia and Capri "." On half of an agro aversano, the sky is partly obscured by black smoke "it is emphasized in fact

"Many smell a nauseating odor like burnt oil" is also clarified .. Terra Nostrum writes that "the highly toxic cloud and the dioxin charge are divided between the Neapolitan and Caserta. "" Tonight – he adds – will begin the critical and dangerous phase. The absence of ventilation and the high humidity of the air will favor the movement of fine particles, nanoparticles and human-level dioxin and soil, which are deposited everywhere. "

New environmental tragedy

Go to the fire tons of plastic waste and various other materials from the separate collection.

According to those who are near the dump, a thick black smoke would have obscured even the Sun. On the spot, the Brigade of Firemen, the guards of the environment, the Carabinieri del Noe (ecological operative nucleus) and the army. Arpac (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection) will also be alerted, it will have the task of badyzing the air and soil and to establish the severity of the pollution The situation is also monitored by the ADM According to some local media, two people were saved by an ambulance because was poisoned .

"J & I have alerted Commissioner Bonavitacola and Arpac who have already gone there "the regional councilor of the Greens Francesco Emilio Borrelli . "This is a new environmental tragedy that follows San Vitaliano a short distance away and raises troubling questions about the safety systems of these waste treatment plants," points out -t it. "I personally alerted Department of the Environment and I am sure that Minister Sergio Costa and Under Secretary Salvatore Micillo, will work hard to understand the dynamics and responsibility of this umpteenth environmental disaster to the detriment of our land "informs the deputy of MoVimento 5 Stelle Conny Giordano

According to what he learns ] in the dump tries to move as much ecoballe ] possible to prevent the fire from spreading further, by investing the entire square.

The vast fire actually causes some extinction problems. There is the risk that the flames are not completely tamed before "two days"

Mayor Marcianise: take the forks

"To those who work on the spot our maximum solidarity: they are heroes. the owners of this plant our maximum disregard for what happened Mbadimo contempt! "Written on Facebook Antonello Velardi Mayor of Marcianise ." C & # 39 is – precise – a company of the group De Gennaro, well known: people who do business with waste . And with our skin. "

" The black smoke turns, because of the winds towards Marcianise ", which is on the border with Caivano thus warns the first citizen who ensures a" follow-up of the situation ". "It's an ecological bomb ," Velardi said without using word turns. "The flames are growing, it's been half an hour since the situation became more dramatic." – adds – The situation could be more serious than the one that occurred twenty days ago in San Vitaliano, a dramatic Sunday "

" I am more and more convinced that we must close all these factories for the storage of waste: ecological bombs.

– reaffirms the mayor – A Marcianise we will close them all , be sure of it! " "And I am more and more convinced that we must take these people, and the politicians, their friends and their accomplices, with pitchforks: – he concludes – kill us. Take it with the forks ! !!! ".

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