In the race for Pd Zingaretti leaves running. Renzi fears "neo-Ds"


Rome – In a random order, in the desert. Thus advances the abandoned relics of a party that claimed to be democratic by practicing idolatry. A Pd now reached the junction (even in the desert). To dwell on a bolso and loser way of thinking, like the one that emerges from the statements of Orfini and Serracchiani, who also occupied the Nazarene's top positions. Or move on to the more clbadic countermeasure, comrades: refound the Democratic Party with the descent into the field now full of Nicola Zingaretti

"I'm here", sent to tell through the interview the trait of & # 39; 39 incorrigible union Corsera of the old with the new, of Bettinian velvetism with the experience of D & # 39; Alema and Bersani, the governor who preaches "enlargement beyond the borders": left, but especially at the Cinquestelle, "corpaccione where inside there is a little" of all "that Zingaretti proposes to" disarticulate ", sure that they are genetically the result of 'different identities' and therefore destined to split (this 'error' does not make any 'initiative' towards this world & # 39; the defeat of March 4, accusation

contradictory opposition, inconclusive and non-existent if it is not in the headlines of the dailies and Tg Rai, mocked and vilified by the yellow-green majority, this democratic party risks extinction in both cases. In the optimistic version Zingarettien it would be a cathartic Fenice. In the other direction, however, populism becomes grotesque, as when the Serracchiani to attack the Lega Salviniana finds nothing better to say, textually: "Pontida is not yet Nuremberg but can become". Kind of sentences that do not win consent for their obvious facetious stupidity. Yet even President Orfini is kidding us, now that caresses the idea of ​​gaining ground among the candidates of the renziana majority, and not missing the day that does not try to climb the rankings by shooting big. After highlighting Minniti as responsible for the ruinous electoral defeat, yesterday with the usual sarcasm, unmotivated learned at the court of D 'Alema snubbed Zingaretti guilty of wanting the "restoration of the old models." Then he re-tweeted the warning of others (Francesco Cudari, another champion): "There is no need for a homeopathic opposition". Orfini is like those Taliban who aspire to martyrdom and do not see beyond the nose (that of Renzi, not his own). Then he liquidates at once Calenda's "manifesto" for a Republican Front and the proposal to go "beyond the Democratic Party": "Of manifest I know that of Marx. Beyond the Democratic Party? There is the right … "

After two Directions and a National Assembly, the future of the Democratic Party is like morality: still weak. Next Saturday, at Ergife, a second badembly will be held to decide to keep Martina "regent" or to promote her as secretary of overtime (but it is hoped that only the loffio reggente). Renzi, strong in the parliamentary groups, will also have a Bulgarian majority here (700 delegates out of a thousand). Embedded in his real estate business, the former head is undecided at everything and has no candidates to propose: Guerini left right away and aims at Copasir; Gentiloni Ditto (taking orders from Matteo has never been a pleasure). Ergo, the Renziani think that they can postpone the 2019 congress and the primaries, perhaps to be able to make "clean" Zingaretti's candidacy, by presenting it as unitary. Also because the "noble fathers" (Veltroni and Prodi) have long expressed themselves for Zingaretti. Which repeats some time to his: "I do not make a candidate". He would like the congress phase in November to celebrate the primaries early in the year, "anyway before the Europeans". Zingaretti vs. Salvini: more than a nemesis, it almost seems the title of a film from the 70s.

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