In the region of Ravenna – a woman who died in the hall, the Supreme Court cancels the acquittal of nurse Lugo Italy


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Rome – The first criminal section of the Supreme Court annulled the acquittal of Daniela Poggiali the former nurse of Lugo, Ravenna, accused of willful homicide for the death of one of his patients, Rosa Calderoni, 78, using potbadium. The first criminal section, chaired by Antonella Mazzei, hosted the appeal of the Attorney General of Bologna and the civil parties and ordered a bis appeal

For the death of Ms. Calderoni, which took place in April 2014, Poggiali was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Assize Court of Ravenna who had found guilty of injecting the old woman with a lethal dose of potbadium. The Assize Court of Bologna, on July 7 of last year, had on the contrary acquitted the woman with the formula "because the fact does not exist. "does not exist", after an evaluation it is favorable.

The facts go back to 2014 : 9 October Poggiali now 46 years old, nurse at the hospital Umberto I of Lugo, is arrested . The accusation against her is very heavy: according to the prosecutor, it is she who caused the death of Rosa Calderoni, 78, died at Lugo Hospital a few months earlier – April 8 2014, a few hours after admission – with an injection of potbadium chloride. And the selfies of the accused with the patients also end up in the newspapers : photos that will cause the radiation of the register of nurses, decided at the end of a disciplinary procedure concluded in 2017.

Daniela Poggiali still rejects all accusations proclaiming himself innocent, but on March 11, 2016, the Assize Court of Ravenna sentenced him to the life imprisonment for murder : in the motivations of the sentence, the judges define her as "cold, intelligent and ruthless" and add "she does not even know how many patients she has killed", referring to other suspicious deaths – on which the investigators focus their attention – which took place at the hospital between 2012 and 2014, often during the "Nurse, who, questioned on the subject, answers" I will be unlucky ".

A little more than a year later, on July 7, 2017, Poggiali's appeal was admitted on appeal : The nurse was acquitted by the court of Bologna "Because the fact does not exist". The judges of second instance base their decision on the result of an badessment, according to which the death of the patient Rosa Calderoni could be linked to a "probable glycemic decompensation" and, consequently, not to a potbadium injection which would have to bring to death more quickly. The accused, imprisoned in Dozza prison for about a thousand days, immediately returns to freedom. Against his acquittal, the prosecutor of Bologna and the local health company of Romagna presented an appeal to Palazzaccio, as responsible for the civil responsibility.

In his indictment, carried out at a hearing last Tuesday, the deputy supreme court deputy Mariella De Masellis asked to cancel the acquittal of the Accused and to postpone the procedure to Bologna for a bis-appeal process . Only a few weeks ago, on July 3rd, the Court of Cbadation definitively confirmed the conviction of Poggiali at 4 years, 4 months and 15 days concerning the theft of money, medicine and hospital equipment.

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