In the United States – Asbestos talcum powder, Johnson & Johnson must pay $ 4.7 billion | world


  Johnson & Johnson talcum powder, widely used in Italy

Johnson & Johnson talcum powder, widespread in Italy

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New York – Johnson & Johnson must pay about $ 4.7 billion between compensation and punitive damages to women who point fingers asbestos fibers in its talcum powder that would be Ovarian cancer makers: Deciding a jury of the US Court of St. Louis at the end of a trial lasted 5 weeks, during which they were listening to dozens of experts.

The company obviously does not fit, and has announced that it will appeal "The verdict" is the product of a fundamentally unfair process, "said Carol Goodrich, spokeswoman for Johnson & Johnson, explaining that the company's products do not contain asbestos and would not cause ovarian cancer; according to the spokesman, "the many mistakes made in this process were worse than those of previous trials that were subsequently overturned. "

The St. Louis Jury first established compensatory damages of $ 550 million, or approximately $ 25 million for each of the 22 women represented in the case and then, after an hour of meeting, he resolved the punitive damages amounting to 4.14 billion, bringing the total to 4.69 billion dollars.

During the trial, the lawyer of the 22 women who revealed ir suffered from ovarian cancer used harsh words against Johnson & Johnson: he knew that his talc products contained asbestos and hid the information to the public, defending the & # 39; 39; image of talcum powder for children as "his sacred cow", said Mark Lanier; Johnson & Johnson, he adds, would also have "rigged the tests to avoid showing the presence of asbestos".

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