Increase in autoimmune diabetes in European children, + 3.4% per year – Diabetes


Cases of type 1 or "insulin-dependent" diabetes are increasing in
Europe 3.4% each year and if the trend will remain the same
they will double in 20 years.
This is revealed by a study coordinated by Chris Patterson of
Queen's University in Belfast, who also counts among the authors
Valentino Cherubini, director of pediatric diabetology at
Ospedali Riuniti University Hospital in Ancona.

Cherubini explains, in an interview with ANSA, that they are
probably at stake environmental factors that remain today
largely unknown, such as viruses and exposure
daily to chemicals that promote the priming of the
disease in predisposed individuals, as well as incorrect styles
of life (eg a bad diet).

In Italy, there are an estimated 15,000 diabetic patients 1.
under 15, says Cherubini. Disease
"autoimmune" – that is, characterized by an improper attack of the
immune system that compromises the part of the pancreas
appointed to produce insulin (the so-called Langerhans Islands)
– has an impact in Italy of 14 new cases per 100,000
subjects under 14 years old (slightly lower than average
European except Sardinia where the incidence is 4 times more
higher than in Peninsular Italy). The increase of new cases
found in Europe, including Italy, but it is homogeneous on everything
the national territory and this suggests that there is a
environmental factor in action that promotes disease, reaffirms
In this study, the authors badyzed the incidence
of the disease in children aged 0 to 14, reported for 26
European Diabetes Centers (representing 22 EU countries)
who has recorded new diagnoses for a maximum period
25 years between 1989 and 2013.

The average annual increase in the incidence rate appeared (+ 3.4%)
in Europe, with peaks of + 6.6% registered in Poland.

"We already noticed it and this publication certifies it –
reports in a commentary to ANSAN Francesco Dotta, an ordinary
Endocrinology of the University of Siena and member of the Society
Italian Diabetology – that the frequency of type diabetes
1 increases and especially cases increase in both cases
very young children as well as young adults; if definitely
there are environmental factors that support this increase.

This could be the result of changes in habits
foods and other factors that change accordingly
to diet – continues Dotta – as the microbiome
Intestinal. We know for example that in the intestines of subjects
risk of diabetes 1, there are more pathogens than
facilitate the inflammatory response that then triggers the
" Disease.

Another possibility, says Dotta, is that
the increase in overweight increases the incidence of typical diabetes
1 (and of course diabetes 2): an overweight child
who is also genetically predisposed to diabetes 1 could
develop the disease more easily.

The study shows that the increase in the number of cases is particularly
composed of Eastern Europe. This is likely to be the
result of living conditions that are rapidly changing in these
country; for example, emphasizes Dotta, they improve their
hygienic conditions that favor paradoxically
autoimmune diseases.
This is a very solid study, concludes Dotta, "of course
if we do not find the causes of the increase registered and if not
We understand how to prevent this disease. today it is
a better knowledge of the disease gives us a series of
suggestions on how to intervene and it is possible that in the next
future clinical trials on prevention and protection
insulin-producing cells at the beginning of the disease
they will be more and more frequent ".



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