
The electronic invoice, from 1 January 2019, will also be mandatory for agricultural holdings. The management will not be based solely on the digitization of the document, but on a much more complex process that provides for a system of transmission, transmission and preservation. It will be used software specially designed for the total management of a series of files produced in XML format. What will be the procedure to follow?

The procedure to follow

What is happening today between public administrations and private and public administrations will also occur between individuals. Therefore, the authors of the bill will have to use the qualified electronic signature to guarantee the authenticity of the material and the integrity of the information. To request the Qualified Signature Certificate, refer to the list of authorized certifiers that have been listed on the website of the Italian Digital Agency, The procedures for sending the documentation will be done through the Inland Revenue Agency (SDI) -based Exchange System, which allows the transmission of electronic invoices via PEC, web service, FTP, etc.

And if I buy fuel?

With regard to electronic invoicing in case of fuel purchase for example, if the buyer does not receive an invoice within a specified period of four months maximum, he can issue the electronic payment avoiding the penalty, the document is kept by SDI. . With reference to the law of finance n. 205/2017, art. 1, comm 909 ess., It is established that from 1 July, if an agricultural company buys gasoline for its vehicles, it must inform the dealer, who will issue the invoice in electronic format the same day of the purchase.

Who is the obligation?

The obligation to issue electronic invoices concerns all taxpayers holding a VAT number, excluding farmers exempt from VAT (ie whose annual turnover does not exceed 7000 euros), or those carrying out activities. off-farm activities or self-employment are included in the "benefits plan" and those included in the "flat rate plan".

What are the penalties?

What are the sanctions for non-adaptation? Taxable persons are exempted from the issue of the invoice, but must comply with the provisions relating to automatic invoicing, which will be issued by the buyer in electronic format; in case of non-issue, the invoice will be omitted and will therefore be subject to a penalty corresponding to 90-180% of the VAT provided in this case.

This is how the CIA is prepared

"In Europe, Italy is the first country to adopt this system – says Giovanni Daghetta, President of CIA Lombardia – In practical terms, rice farmers will not have any particular differences, the system places everything the same benefits to the world: for example, it is a system that over time aims to abandon paper, resulting in a series of additional costs and wastage in terms of printing, materials, transport and space used for storage.One of the problems that can arise is related to line connections.The receipt of the network, you know, in rural or mountain areas, has already created a number of For the CIA, employees wishing to use the "SEMPLICE FE" computer platform will be able to do so free of charge by simply asking for the dedicated access pbadword to the offices. of g independently issue and send their invoices, as well as view invoices received. As an alternative, the CIA offers the necessary badistance in its offices and we are ready to provide our support also through conferences and meetings ".

Coldiretti is ready

"The obligation of electronic invoicing will revolutionize the way in which all sectors, including agriculture, operate – underlines Stefano Greppi, President of Coldiretti Pavia – We are ready and our organization is setting up all its resources and expertise. To answer all the questions of our members, we have already organized many training meetings throughout the province of Pavia, from Mortara. A meeting was recently held at the Mortara Freight Exchange, attended by more than 200 farmers. As many attended the meetings that were held in Pavia and Corteolona, ​​other rice fields. "To all agricultural entrepreneurs, our technicians have illustrated the necessary obligations – still explains the president of Coldiretti Pavia – by also presenting what is already available to our members through the Coldiretti partners portal ( , like the new digital billing service.

Invoices work on the web

"This service – explain the experts in the Coldiretti Pavia tax sector – offers a digital invoice management integrated into the entire business accounting cycle, facilitated by a program to monitor products, price lists and customers. directly from a PC, tablet or smartphone. Thanks to the integrated connection with Green Enterprise, invoices automatically arrive at Coldiretti's offices, which avoids files and saves time for agricultural activities. "

Confagricoltura presses on the application

"For culture and tradition, the agricultural world has always been based on a direct relationship, this system will undoubtedly create a significant change for the sector", say Ugo Ghezzi, section of the Confagricoltura Mortara, who adds: The Zucchetti management software, on which we rely, in addition to the billing and electronic archiving service, offers a free application through which the farmer can download it in PDF format. In addition, on December 12, a meeting will be devoted to this theme to clarify all doubts. Author: Martina Fasani

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