India, the train overwhelms the crowd on the tracks: 50 dead. They were at a religious holiday


New Delhi, India, October 19, 2018 – Mbadacre at a religious festival in India. at least 50 people – but the budget could also be much higher – they died near Amritsar, in the state of Punjabafter being submerged by a moving train.

The disconcerting aspect of the tragedy is that the faithful, during the celebration ofHindu esta of Dussehra, they were grouped everything on the tracks: apparently it was the best place to admire fireworks. The party – very crowded – took place at night: in the video by circulating on the social, you can see a crowd of people who move and dance, in total darkness, around a huge bonfire, a kind of 'old man' – to burn was a puppet of Ravana, a Hindu deity – with barrel cracklings.

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<p>Suddenly, a train arrives which, without being able to stop, cuts the crowd in two and makes people go in its path. A really scary scene.</p>
<p>The train, in the race, could not stop after the impact, according to the authorities. a<strong> survivor</strong> he told the newspaper <em>The time of Hidustan</em> only in the region <strong>there were no barriers </strong>safety: "We were all convinced that <strong>the track was not used</strong>he said, still annoyed.</p>
<p><strong>"There was a lot of noise</strong>because they fired the fireworks and it seems that people did not hear the train arrive, "said one <strong>policeman</strong> from the place of the tragedy. A witness told local television that there was "a lot of confusion" when the crowd realized that the train "was coming very fast". "Everyone ran to take shelter when he was unexpectedly<strong> another convoy has arrived </strong>who has invested the crowd, "he added.</p>
<p>In India, there are hundreds of unsupervised level crossings. About <strong>15,000 people die each year along the tracks </strong>in the country, according to the government figures for 2012. </p>
<p>The Prime Minister of Punjab, <strong>Amarinder Singh</strong>, said that he was "shocked by the accident" and asked a <strong>all hospitals </strong>to be ready to welcome the wounded. Even the prime minister <strong>Narendra Modi</strong> expressed sorrow for this tragedy. A deputy from Amritsar Gurjeet Singh asked who had given permission to organize the event in this region.</p>
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