India wants to withdraw the citizenship of 4 million Muslims


Indians continue to discriminate against the country's many religious minorities, particularly Christians and Muslims.

This time, the New Delhi government, headed by the right nationalist Narendra Modi decided to approve a controversial law that aims to deprive the citizenship of more than 4 million people residing in the federal state of Assam, a northeastern area of ​​India located on the border with Bangladesh and characterized by the presence of a large Muslim community. According to the official version of the executive, which today published a provisional list of people excluded from the National Register of Citizens the measure has been published in order to more easily identify immigrants in situation irregular. The persons on the list drawn up by the government were invited to provide a series of documents to verify their presence on the Indian territory before March 24, 1971 is two days before the outbreak of the war of liberation However According to human rights groups, the government's decision will likely be just a pretext for a future mbad expulsion of Muslims from India. Assam, where they make up 34% of the state's population, as well as a way to strengthen the Hindu national unity with a view to the upcoming parliamentary elections to be held in 2019. Commenting on the news, the director of Amnesty International India Arijit Sen said: "We are concerned that the process of implementation of the new law n The state of Assam can render a significant number of people stateless, arbitrarily depriving their nationality of people who have lived in India for decades.We urge the government to extend the time limit for appeal and to ensure to ensure that these are treated in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner, that families are not destroyed and that adequate legal badistance is provided to those who risk losing their citizenship " For those who think they have unfairly excluded from the National Register of Citizens, an appeal was granted from 30 August to 28 September to allow the Indian authorities to draw up the final list of excluded persons, which will be published in December of this year.

Criticisms of the provision also come from The Allies of the Government of Prime Minister Modi The Congress Exhibitor Trinamool Sukhendu Sekhar Roy said: "The central government intentionally eliminates from the Register national citizens four million people who are part of linguistic and religious minorities, which could have serious demographic consequences if they were to emigrate and for neighboring federal states.The Prime Minister should clarify the issue in parliament. "[19459008Accordingto Times of India the state of Assam is also the only one in the country where there is a register of population at This is due to the intense immigration of neighboring Bangladesh , which is due to the intense immigration of neighboring Bangladesh, according to supporters of the registry, the Muslim community trying to subvert the region's demographics to the detriment Hindus, for example by participating illegally in

As some commentators point out, the new directives issued by the executive branch recall the infamous persecutions that Myanmar has been waging since 1982 against the Islamic minority of Rohingya forced since then to take refuge in Bangladesh even as Indian Muslims come – Bangladesh, but this time decided not to accept any new Indian refugee, which increases the chances that a very large number of people soon find themselves without housing. A dramatic situation that can be summed up in the rebaduring words of the coordinator of the National Register of Citizens: "No pure Indian citizen should be afraid" . [ad_2]
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