Industry 4.0 is an opportunity to improve people and skills


We take the definition of the most recognized company 4.0: Innovation 4.0 is not to introduce advanced machinery, but to know to combine different technologies and thus integrate the factory system and productive supply chains to make it an integrated and connected system, where machines, people, and information systems work together to create smarter products, smarter services, and work environments smarter. The industry 4.0 is a paradigm shift, a way to bring a bit of innovation in Italian companies that have to fill the gaps compared to the technologies available in the market.

Innovation The New Safe

These new production technologies, defined enabling technologies, are divided into 9 macro-categories:
1) Advanced Manufacturing Solution: Advanced Production Systems. These technologies include automatic handling systems and advanced robotics with collaborative robots.
2) Additive Manufacturing: Additive Manufacturing Systems (3D Printing).
3) Augmented Reality: ] augmented reality vision systems to badist operators in their daily activities
4) Simulation : Simulation Between Interconnected Machines to Optimize Processes
5) Horizontal and vertical integration: integration and exchange of information, horizontally and vertically, between all the actors of the production process
6) Industrial Internet: communication between the production elements within the Business, but also to the outdoors through the use of the Internet
7) Cloud: implementation of all cloud technologies such as the "online storage" of information, the use of "cloud computing" and external services data badysis, etc.
8) Cybersecurity: Information security surveillance and systems that should not be modified from the outside because of new interconnections.
9) Big Data Analytics: Techniques for managing large amounts of data across open systems that allow predictions or predictions

These new technologies will have a profound impact on four lines of development:

a) The use of data, computational power and connectivity and hence Big Data to the IoT ( Internet of Things). ] b) The value that emerges from the data, which today companies can only use 1%
c) The interaction between the man and the machine
d) The pbadage from digital to digital "Real".

In the latest "Future Jobs" of the World Economic Forum, it is stated that this way of changing the business could result in a loss of jobs or even "turning off the lights of the # 39; plant. " This is not the case, however, to cope with a change that is still going on and which, if handled correctly, can instead represent a huge opportunity. The real problem is another: the staff present in the company has skills that are not adapted to new production processes.

The central theme seems to be that of redevelopment. We do not need a lot of new work rules, but a plan for adult digital literacy, to update the workforce. In the future, the worker will no longer work primarily in the company, with rhythms and methods of presence in the past, but in terms of project or outcome. It will probably be a worker who will have more employers, giving birth to the logic of co-employment, business networks in which the difference between small and large companies will be blurred because companies will need brains who can also connect. Larger realities: agility will be a decisive factor

Do we correctly interpret what agile and intelligent work means? Do we think about the digitization of work, the evolution of trades and trades, trades, production processes, productivity, continuous training? To answer these questions, we should look at our legal system, which frames employees, managers, workers or managers. In the intelligent enterprise, on the other hand, according to the forecasts on which the lawyers and the economists work, certain figures will disappear, because the machines will execute the executive and repetitive works.

What businesses really need is creativity. However, creative people do not respond to orders and instructions, but must be motivated. The same difference between workers and executives destined to change and probably even leaders will change because there will be more and more needs – as industry 4.0 reports show – from widespread leadership .

Who will be the key figure in these processes, the one who can accompany and accompany companies in the control, decisions and interpretations of this new reality? It will be a character with characteristics of creativity, able to generate contexts of exchange and innovation: leaders who bring change and those who can read the innovation. The 4.0 firm can bring professional risks, conflicts, tensions, low inclusion, but also a challenge to seize, not only to increase productivity and efficiency, but also to make sure that those These are focused on improving people, territories and skills.

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