Industry: Italian-German Convention on the Role of Culture and Creativity (2)


(AdnKronos) – The added value of the creative industry is significant, reaching 13.4 billion euros thanks to the use of nearly 261,000 employees. In Germany, in 2016, 154.4 billion euros of value added (ie + 1.5% compared to 2015) generated by the cultural and creative industry, resulting in a 3.5% increase in jobs for workers Experts from both countries are expecting growth of KICs in the coming years. In Germany, to meet the future demand for qualified personnel, companies in the cultural and creative industries pursue different strategies. First, the flexibility of working time, which 38% of companies consider as a promising strategy to ensure a skilled workforce. Second, there is an increase in the supply of continuing education (37%), as evidenced by the Symbola report through the words of Unioncamere President, Ivan Lo Bello, who will focus more and more about closely related skills. to culture: "The world we will face in the years to come will be guided by a series of radical transformations concentrated mainly in the field of work and skills. On average, those working in the field of cultural and creative occupations have a higher level of education. Focusing on culture and creativity therefore means aiming at the top, skills capable of coping with the season of 4.0 industry. "

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