Inps against the government and the social partners


Anief Communiqué – "Why does the INPS continue to send public messages, informal missives and official reports against the government's willingness to cancel the reform Fornero, since they have asked 99% of Italian citizens for seven years Would not it be appropriate to lead constructive discussions with the social partners and the government itself to find a common solution? "

Marcello Pacifico , Anief national president and Confederal Secretary Cisal, in light of the technical report accompanying the annual report published by the Social Security Institute, which writes that if the "Quote 100" for early retirement came into effect as early as 2019, the costs for pension fund institutions would be between 4 and 14 billion euros

The four apocalyptic "scenarios" produced by the INPS, even with minimum access thresholds at age 65 , would produce already the first effect: Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio said, in recent days, that the government "Is at work" and "evaluates: all possible combinations are not practical". But instead of going into details, the Minister of Labor dismissed the speech on the government's desire to abolish in the coming weeks "golden or privileged pensions".

"Rather than create alarmism and make projections to be checked – continues the Anief-Cisal unionist – the INPS should spend to protect the positions of those who have worked a life and now asks only to see his right come true. The Institute can not just think of managing its money by delaying its exit from work until the end. On the contrary, it manages the practices of the school staff correctly, since September is near and 5,000 teachers are still not sure of their retirement, a regrettable fact that has never occurred. "

" It would be as good if the unionist INPS – require the figurative contributions never seen before and really reprogram a system closer to Europe, where you retire at age 63 – in France before and in Germany with only 25 years of teaching – not at 67 as confirmed a few months ago the Gentiloni government. Because you live at work, but you must not die working. Finally, instead of creating a psychological terror, the INPS updates its archiving system by evaluating the service performed 365 days instead of 360 days, because they mock even more workers already harbaded by reforms and reforms. Counter-reforms are becoming smaller and smaller. the extent of their social security contributions. Finally, it is good to evaluate once and for all insecurity because the burden of having made a temporary or annual substitution can not be a burden for the worker, "Pacifico concludes.

For all these reasons, the Anief union reiterates its yes to the 100 quota, without constraints or last minute positions demanded by the INPS.

Those who need clarification about retirement have the right to seek personalized advice from Cedan, by contacting the nearest Cedan office. For more information, you can also connect to the website or write an e-mail to the address [email protected] or finally contact the number 091 7098356.

July 15, 2018

Anief Press Office

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