Supplementary Statement of Contributions Inps
In a recent note, Inps gives news of the extension of the service Integrated statement of account also to non-registered members with mixed contribution in private or public social management institutions or privatized social security institutions.
Contributions Inps: What is E.C.I.
L & # 39;Integrated statement of accountin practice, "summarizes, for each worker, the complete history of insurance, regardless of the social security institution, for all periods of contributions credited to one or more pension schemes" . As Inps explains in the note, "the web service in question offers the citizen the opportunity to check online the data on the overall position of his accumulated contributions in the various social security institutions, thus providing useful information for social security planning with greater awareness. "
In December 2011, at the beginning of the experimental phase, only a sample of 100,000 registered on mandatory social security forms could benefit from the E.C.I .; then, in 2013, "it was extended to a million additional workers, proportionally to the number of members registered in each institution or director of social security". Now, thethe institution is preparing to further expand the audience allow access to the integrated account statement; this thanks to the new computer systems and the organization of the insurance positions of the members of the former Inpdap.
Inps contributions: those who can access
So, from now on, the E.C.I. it may be used by any worker for whom at least one contribution is credited to one or more social security schemes or institutions. To access it, simply insert the your SPID credentials or your Pin Inps (that issued by other social security institutions is acceptable). Inps states, inter alia, that access is also guaranteed to authorized intermediaries through the services dedicated to them. That being said, thanks to E.C.I, in addition to posting its position on insurance, it will be possible to report inaccuracies and inconsistencies and, therefore, to request a correction.
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