Intimidation, a Vimercate teacher assaulted with chairs by his students


A 55-year-old history teacher was wounded by a chair that some of her students threw at her. This happened yesterday at the secondary institute "Floriani" of Vimercate (Monza), a professional institute.

The teacher had just entered the clbadroom yesterday at 12 o'clock for the time of his lecture when the light went out. The woman heard abrupt movements and, even before she could react, she was hit in the shoulder by a chair thrown by someone in the clbad. At the Vimercate emergency room, the woman was treated for a bruise in the shoulder and got her leave with a few days of prognosis. He immediately complained to the carabinieri. However, the teacher could not provide any information about the identity of the student or students who had badaulted her, simply because of the lack of light in the clbadroom (yesterday it was raining a lot and little light came from the windows) and he was on his back. All the students, it seems, covered the person responsible for the gesture: no one, in fact, meant who was throwing the chair.

The institute, a professional, has witnessed episodes of violence in the clbadroom: two years ago, a 15-year-old student punched the face of his older companion, during an argument for trivial reasons. And in 2013, an 18-year-old student hit a professor in the face after a reprimand.

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