Iran: clashes between police and protesters, at least one dead – World


At least one person died in the sheds that broke out in the city of Khorramshahr, in southern Iran, between police and protesters who protested against the lack of water. The same protesters report it, writes CNN, but the news is not verifiable right now with other sources. According to the news agency Irna, the agents used tear gas to disperse the crowd that responded by throwing stones and other objects damaging some buildings.

They have also begun circulating online videos that seem to show Iranian law enforcement agencies open fire on a crowd of protesters.

According to the official news agency Irna, protesters threw stones at the police, who fought back with tear gas. No mention of the shots. The protests, which took place during the night, came after three days of demonstrations in Tehran, during which protesters clashed with the police in front of the parliament. Again, officers fired tear gas at the crowd. The protests led to the temporary closure of the city's Grand Bazaar.


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