Iranian Nuclear, 4 + 1 countries pledged to support Tehran's exports


  Iranian President Hbadan Rohani in Vienna with Austrian President Alexander Van Der Bellen (Ansa)

Iranian President Hbadan Rohani in Vienna with Austrian President Alexander Van Der Bellen (Ansa)

The signatory countries of Agreement on the Iranian nuclear program (the so-called JCPOA) is committed to ensuring that the Islamic Republic can still export oil and have trade relations despite the US withdrawal from the cartel and the announced recovery sanctions against Tehran. That's what came out this afternoon of the ministerial meeting of the JCPO Joint Commission that was held at the Coburg Hotel in Vienna, which reiterated the need for a "full and effective implementation of the agreement".

In a joint statement issued by the European External Action Service (EEAS) and read by EU High Representative Federica Mogherini, at the end of the meeting, the Iranian Ministers of Economic and Social Affairs foreign countries and the five signatories of the agreement (France, Germany, Great Britain, China and Russia), stressed that JCPAA is a "key element of global non-proliferation" and a "significant result of the multilateral diplomacy unanimously approved by the UN Security Council with Resolution 2231.

The signatory countries (the group says 4 + 1) have therefore indicated certain objectives to be pursued despite the withdrawal United States of the agreement, which took place in May. Of these, maintain open "financial channels" and sea, air and land links with Iran, pursuing "Iran's exports of oil and condensate, petroleum and petrochemicals ", to encourage new investments in Iran to support" clearly and effectively "economic operators who trade with Iran," especially small and medium-sized enterprises ", to promote coverage insurance against commercial credit risks, to protect companies from the extraterritorial effects of US sanctions.

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif stressed that the proposed plan to save the JCPO will be badyzed in Tehran by the leaders of the Islamic Republic, beginning with Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who is responsible the final on all the most sensitive issues concerning Iran. "My conclusion is that all parties (left, ed) in the JCPPO indicated at the meeting the political will of to oppose this American initiative (to withdraw from the US). (note, Zarif), considering that in his opinion the operational methods proposed at the meeting today seem to be "practical"

Yesterday, Iranian President Hbadan Rohani had qualified the European package to continue cooperation under the agreement of "insufficient" and "disappointing" on nuclear energy. In recent days, Rohani has made it clear that Iran will continue to respect the agreement on its nuclear program until it derives an economic benefit as long as the interests of the Islamic Republic will be "guaranteed".

This morning, Zarif wrote on Twitter: "My mandate is clear: to define concrete solutions. We expect EU / E3 + counterparties 2 verifiable and enforceable commitments rather than noble and vague promises. the Jcpoa are mutually exclusive. "Zarif also had a bilateral agreement with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who badured that Beijing was ready to work with the Europeans to save the deal.

For the French Minister Foreign Affairs, Jean-Yves Le Drian, is "unlikely" that European countries will be able to put in place, by August, an economic package for Iran. According to the owner of the Quai d'Orsay, the EU countries, but also Russia and China, are working to develop a financial mechanism that mitigates US sanctions. "We try to do this before the sanctions be imposed in early August and before the new round of sanctions in November, but the August deadline is too close, we try to do it in November, "he said.However, Le Drian warns that" l & # 39; Iran must stop threatening Standing on to break its commitments to the & # 39; respect of & # 39; nuclear agreement ".

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