is the boom of "intermittent" labor contracts, all the data


of Paola Treppo

FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA – Contract Boom of Intermittent Work in Friuli Venezia Giulia: + 80% in the first quarter of 2018. Here are the data from the following: Ires Fvg survey.

Employment only increases
During the first months of 2018, the phase of recovery in employment that characterized the last three years seems to have suffered, at least momentarily , from a setback in Friuli Venezia Giulia . This was noted by IRES researcher Fvg Alessandro Russo badyzing ISTAT and INPS data on recruitment and termination

In the first quarter, according to Istat estimates, the number employees was 499,100, a value lower than the previous nine months and similar to that recorded in the same period last year. However, a concentrated decrease can be observed in the context of self-employment (-7,200 employees compared to the first quarter of 2017), while this subordinate continues to grow (+7,400 units). Self-employed persons include entrepreneurs, self-employed persons, self-employed persons, including shopkeepers, artisans and farmers, family workers, members of cooperatives and collaborators

Double hires with intermittent contracts
In the first three months of this year, new labor relations in the region in the private sector, excluding agriculture, have increased by 20% compared to the same period of 2017, with more than 6,200 additional badumptions. All types are growing, although in terms of percentage, new hires with intermittent work contracts show the most sustained variation: they almost doubled, + 80.9%, or +1,261. This dynamic, according to Russo, may be related to the abolition of vouchers to pay for the occasional services that took place in March of last year; intermittent work is also used mainly in commerce and in the hotel and restaurant sector and mainly addresses young people

It is a type of contract with which a worker gets makes available to an employer who may use the provision discontinuously or intermittent according to the requirements identified by the collective agreements, including with respect to the possibility of performing it in predetermined periods during the week, month or year.

In the first quarter of 2017, it can be noted that in absolute terms, the number of fixed-term hedges increased by 2,161, or + 17.7%, but also by indefinite duration (1,018 more , + 24.5%). ). This last positive dynamic can not be explained solely by the contribution reductions planned for the recruitment of young people under 35 who were 228 during the first three months of the year. year out of a total of more than 5,000 new permanent contracts. In the comparison with the other Italian regions, in the first quarter of 2018, the FVG occupies the third place for the growth of new permanent hires, after Umbria (+ 27.4%) and Veneto (+ 27.3%)

New Casual Work Relationships
The casual work services implemented in 2017 have two distinct forms: the Occasional Performance Contract, which can be used by contractors, professionals , self-employed and other categories of employers. with no more than five permanent employees; the family booklet reserved for employers, natural persons, not in the exercise of a professional or commercial activity

It can be recalled that, in a few years, the use of coupons , so that 's in 2016, they involved more than 63,000 workers for a total of about 6 million coupons sold corresponding to a value of $ 60 million. gross euros . With the abolition and subsequent reintroduction accompanied by significant limitations, the use of casual labor is much less intense; During the nine months from July 2017 to March 2018, the total gross amount of Fvg has slightly exceeded 2.8 million, adding the two types mentioned (2.1 million for companies and 700 000 for the family booklet). ).

New permanent hiring
The permanent employment relationship was strongly stimulated in 2015, thanks to the opportunity offered to companies to benefit from strong tax breaks. In the following years, this decisive growth was only partially affected. If we consider the net changes in permanent contracts (hiring more transformations than other types of contracts less cancellations), the balance from the beginning of 2015 to March 2018 remains positive overall and increases to more than 13,550 units in the region.

The explosion of other types of futures, after 2015, the impact of new permanent jobs on the whole new employment relationships, however, declines rapidly, as well as the total number of employees. According to ISTAT data, in fact, permanent employees rose from nearly 88% of employees in 2015 to 84.6% in 2017.

Part time and full time
Examine only new employees employees allows us to observe that the growth of the first quarter of 2018 is focused on full-time relationships (+ 41.8% compared to the first quarter of 2017, while the number of part-time employees is remained unchanged) and concerns mainly men (+ 31.2% against + 14.4% of women) of Italian nationality (+ 27.6% against + 16.3% of foreigners). It can also be noted that half of the new permanent hires were carried out by companies with up to 15 employees (2,533 out of 5,179, compared with 2,039 in the first quarter of 2017, + 24.2% ); in addition, a particularly strong increase is observed in manufacture (+ 522 units, equal to + 42.4%).

The Reasons for the Termination of Permanent Contracts
a sharp increase in disruption of workers' resignation contracts which now account for more than 60% of the termination of FVG's permanent contracts. Here are the layoffs of economic nature down in time (they rose to 40% in 2014, in 2017 fell below 25% of the total), including those occurred for objective reasons justified, collective redundancies as an incentive exodus, change of contract or termination of employment contract in the construction sector for the completion of the. activity and the closure of the site

Finally, fewer and fewer disciplinary dismissals that include those for a just cause or a justified subjective reason, which went from 2.5% of the total in 2014 to more than 4% in recent years. years (in 2017, there were nearly 1,200).


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