Islamic leaders: Asia Bibi innocent. The husband's call: Italy, help us


Islamic leaders: Asia Bibi innocent. The husband's call: Italy, help us

"I ask the Italian government and I appeal: help us to take my family out of Pakistan and myself, because we are in danger": it is the urgent appeal of the husband of Asia Bibi, the Christian woman sentenced 8 years ago to blasphemy and recently completed by the Supreme Courtbut that can not leave the country because of the protests of Islamic fundamentalists. Ashiq Masih has launched his request for help to Italy in a video message to help the Church in distress.

"Our life is in danger, we are also struggling to find food," says Ashiq Masih in his appeal to Italy. He and his daughter Eisham were in Italy on February 24 as witnesses of the event Acs 'Colosseo Rosso', during which the Roman monument was illuminated in solidarity with persecuted people for reasons religious. That day, the director Marco Tarquinio had also welcomed the two men to the Roman siege of Avvenire, deployed since 2010 alongside Asia Bibi. "The attention of the international community and the media is very important to keep Asia Bibi alive and protect us," he said in his appeal.

"We work with other Western countries, with discretion to avoid problems on the ground for families who want to have a future, I can badure that, as a minister but also as a Northern League, I keep women and children in danger, the future, said the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, in the program Non-stop news of Rtl 102.5. "Certainly – added Salvini – my priority is to secure a future for this poor girl and her family. We have so many Italians working in Pakistan and with this country we have important commercial relations, it is certainly not an enemy and we move with great discretion and attentionbut we fight all fanaticisms. "

<img clbad = "lazyImage" src = "" data-original = " 1473c85675334784ab33bef6bcd36602 / f1eaaf0e5d_62147738.jpg? Width = 620 "data-src-max ="” alt=”Asia Bibi with one of the girls (Ansa)” title=”Asia Bibi with one of the girls (Ansa)”/>

Asia Bibi with one of the girls (Ansa)

"I invited the husband and family of Asia Bibi to a meeting at the European Parliament." I ask the Pakistani authorities issue the necessary travel documents. European rules protect those who are threatened because of their faith, "wrote the President of the European Parliament in a tweet Antonio Tajani post the letter sent to the woman's husband. The Italian government's commitment to "listen to the desperate request for help from Ashiq Masih" was invoked by the Brothers of Italy. «Italy immediately grant political asylum for him, his wife Asia Bibi and his children, threatened with death by Pakistani extremist Islamists. Italy does not turn to the other side, "writes on Twitter the president of Fratelli d'Italia, Giorgia Meloni, by adding the hashtag #SalviamoAsia. Similar request, arriving directly on Facebook, from Matteo Renzi: "I would like the Italian government to feel all our support, our full availability, without any controversy, to release Asia Bibi. All you can do is essential – he stressed -. Italy is famous in the world for the values ​​of humanity that it represents ".

"Asia Bibi and her family have asked to be welcomed in Italy and we appreciate the important step accomplished by Minister Matteo Salvini, who declares the availability of our country to protect women and children in danger, starting with Asia Bibi and her five children – reads a note from Mara Carfagna, deputy speaker of the chamber and deputy of Forza Italia -. I am this tragic and iconic story from the beginning, so I hope that our diplomacy will be able to save Bibi as soon as possible and that inhumanity and hatred will never prevail. "" The government immediately takes all necessary measures to accommodate Italy Asia Bibi ", was rather the tweet of the former Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni.

Islamic leaders: Asia Bibi is innocent

"No one can tolerate blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad and we are ready to sacrifice our life for him, but how can the Court ever punish an accused when there is solid evidence of his innocence?" The decision of the Supreme Court of Pakistan to absolve Asia Bibi is remarkable This gives a message to the whole world: justice exists in Pakistan for all citizens, regardless of religion, culture or ethnicity ".Fides Agency it was the mufti Akeel Pirzada, chairman of the Council of Ulema for Peace in Pakistan, attached to the interreligious harmony of the country. Maulana Tariq Jameel, a well-known scholar and television preacher, shares this view: "I read the sentence and I believe that Asia Bibi is innocent. There is no valid reason to go out on the street and protest. If I had been guilty, I would have gone down the street, but that 's not the case. "With him, other Olamas like Allama Muhammad Ahsan Siddiqui, founder and leader of the" Interfaith Commission for Peace and Harmony "in Karachi have issued similar statements.

The Lawyer of Asia: Sentence According to the Law

At the same time, Asia Bibi's lawyer, the Muslim Saiful Malook, went to the Netherlands for security reasons, dwelling on what may be happening on the ground. legal plan, said: "An example of revision of the decision of the Supreme Court, in the case Asia Bibi, this will have no impact on the judgment handed down last week. There is no reconsideration of the case or submission of new evidence. The prosecution should show what in the sentence is not correct. In control cases, there is statistically only a 5% probability that the verdict has changed. And in the case of Bibi, I think the chances are zero: this judgment is fully in accordance with the law and the Constitution of the country ".

Malook explained that to release an individual in prison takes timeafter the acquittal of the Supreme Court: "The verdict must be sent by mail to the Lahore High Court, which in turn must send it to the Nankana judge, the trial court which sentenced to death." "Agreement between the government and extremist groups, he noted:" The government is not obliged to respond to the demands of radical groups.The agreement serves to save the face of Islamic leaders. " Malook said he is confident that Asia Bibi and his family would soon be safe outside Pakistan.

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