"Israel steals our clouds"


The Iranian General Gholamleza Jalali did not send it to say, this time: "Israel steals our clouds". He steals it, says the general, so that it does not rain from us. There is a whole secret Jewish service at our borders, this traffic, it supports at least the military, we do not know whether to remove the clouds all-court or empty of moisture, but if this n & # 39; There is no soup, wet pan, since here you do not see a drop where in Israel, these thieves, it rains. Now, this thing of the general's clouds sparked a global laugh with some echoes in Iran itself, whose meteorological service promptly promised not to overdo it. In Italy, we laughed too. And we laughed despite the truth, the question we might have in depth might deserve it. In fact, a special situation lives, our dear Italy. Not that we can even get our hands on the clouds, but the 13 million new jobs are there to tell us, in the meantime, that the geek Di Maio in the clouds is already holding a cool head.

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