Istat: "In December, + 47,000 temporary and -35,000 stable, employment rate at the highest level since 2008"


In December 2018, the number of persons employed increased by 23000 unit because of an increase in the term employees (+47000) and autonomous (+11,000), while the permanent decreased (-35 thousand dollars). the employment rate it is attested at the 58.8%, 0.1 point higher in November: this is the highest level since before the crisis, that is to say, in April 2008, when it stood at 58.9%. The unemployment rate fell to 10.3% (-0.2 percentage points), that youth slightly increased to 31.9% (+0.1 points). This is what results from the data ISTAT published Thursday.

In December, female employment increased and male employment declined. The decline already recorded in November in estimating the number of people looking for a job is confirmed (-1.6%, or -44,000 units). The decrease is mainly concentrated among men and people over 35 years of age. The estimate of the inactive between the ages of 15 and 64 in the month, it is slightly down (-0.1%, equal to -16 thousand units). The decrease is concentrated among women and is distributed among all age groups, with the exception of 25-34 year olds, who register an increase of 28,000. The inactivity rate remains stable at 34. , 3%.

In 2018, employment has increased by 202 thousand units because of an increase in term workers (+ 257,000) and the self-employed (+ 34,000), while the decline in the number of permanent employees continued to 88,000 less, despite the reversal of the trend that occurred in November. In the space of one year, the number of employees 15-24 years (+ 36,000) and over 50 (+300,000), while there is a decline between 25 and 49 years old (-135,000). Excluding the demographic component, a positive sign is estimated for the change in employment of all age groups. Over the twelve months, the growth in the number of employed persons was accompanied by the fall in the number of unemployed (-4.8%, corresponding to -137 000 units) and the non-activation between 15 and 64 years ( -1.5%, -197,000).

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