Istat, in May jump from the employee. Driven by the over 50s –


MILAN – May be positive on the labor market front. According to data released by ISTAT, the number of employees increased by 114,000 units from the previous month while the unemployment rate fell to 10.7%, down 0.3 point percentage on a monthly basis. It is the lowest statistical institute since August 2012. Minimum compared to the same year also for youth unemployment, down to 31.9% (-1.0 percentage point in April) .

Looking at the details of the data, the increase in the number of employees is concentrated among 25-34 year olds (+31,000) and, especially, in those over 50 (+98,000) . During the reporting period, permanent employees (+70,000) and futures contracts (+62,000) increased while the self-employed (-18,000) decreased slightly. The number of fixed-term contracts thus reaches a new peak, reaching 3 million and 74,000 units

The employment rate, ie the ratio between the badets of the total population and 58, also improves. slightly. 8% (+ 0.2%) and the highest since 2008, even though our country remains in penultimate place in Europe under this front.

The figure of the inactive is also positive, ie those who have no work and do not do research (otherwise clbadified as unemployed). The figure decreases by 13 thousand units, continuing a consolidated trend for several months.

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