Istat: increasing unemployment and precarious employment


A cold shower for the job market comes from Istat. June data showed an increase in unemployment and precarious employment. Even busy people are bad. 49,000 people lost their jobs

Unemployment increases

According to the ISTAT, in fact, the unemployment rate (the number of people who are looking for work on the whole hand-d & # 39; Work) rose to 10, 9% increasing by two tenths of a point. The unemployed thus reach the number of 2 million and 886 thousand. The gap between Italy and the euro area is growing, where the unemployment rate is lower (8.3%)

Youth unemployment also increased, increasing by 0.5% and reaching 32.6%.

Worse than us in Europe is only Spain (34.1%), although it is believed that Greece, although not included in the Eurostat data, has a youth unemployment rate even higher.


There was a decrease in the number of persons employed for the month of June, with minus 49 thousand units . But another alarming fact comes from the world of the precarious, that is to say people who have a fixed-term contract [VIDEO]. In fact, they increased by 16 thousand units, reaching the surprising number of 3 million and 105 thousand people without permanent employment.

The most disadvantaged categories

If you look, then, the data of the last year of the employee, he is facing a scenario where the intermediate categories (that is, say workers aged 35 to 49) are at a disadvantage.

The largest number of employees is in the 50+ age group, there is even a slight increase in the number of young people among (more than 38,000 for young people aged 15-24 and over). more for Italians between 25 and 34 years). In contrast, employees aged 35 to 49 years saw a sharp decline of 145 thousand units

Istat data also noted a reversal of trend compared to the past. Although the over-50s are the largest category in the labor market, there has been a decline in the number of workers in this segment. Unusual, given the traditional growth of people employed in this age group due to the aging of the population and pension reforms [VIDEO].

The inactive decrease

The only comforting fact is to contribute to the increase in unemployment is the decrease of inactive that is to say, those who do not have a job. do not study and do not look for work. As a result, more and more Italians do not stay hand in hand, but try to find a job even for a fixed term.

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