It is believed that she died, she wakes up in the fridge cell of the morgue


An incredible story, the one that occurred at the Carletonville Hospital in South Africa .

A woman was rushed off, victim of a car accident that had already caused many injuries and two deaths; useless tries to revive it in an ambulance by paramedical personnel, who could only see his death. The body was then transported directly to the morgue of the hospital and placed inside a cold room .

Horror there, because the patient was actually alive and was going to suffer much more terrible death

Only by chance, the result of a routine check, a staff member realized that woman still breathing and was able to intervene to save his life before it was too late

Doctors ordered the immediate transfer to the Johannesburg hospital, better equipped to deal with these critical issues : thanks to the care received here, the woman is now out of danger.

Having risked losing their joint due to alleged superficiality in resuscitation operations, relatives demanded clarity on the identification of culprits . Suspicions returned to the sender by the head of the ambulance company who intervened with his own vehicle at the accident site, taking care of the first aid to the woman

What is the truth, the results of the investigations of the investigators will determine. Of course, you can not help but feel a chill run down your back in the thought of being stuck in the cold room of a still alive morgue; there will certainly be answers to the most legitimate questions asked by the woman's relatives.

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