Environment yes, but not only: the world of Italian companies shows that it is becoming more concerned with sustainability, in a global context, where attention to aspects of ecology it is only part of a new commitment. This is confirmed by data from the survey 2018 of the Permanent Observatory of Sustainable Development and Communication (684 successfully conducted interviews), presented by the new Sic consortium – Italian Communication , composed of three communication agencies – Homina, Mediatyche and Extra – and by Format Research.
"The survey was born last year with the aim of annually monitoring the feeling that our companies are demonstrating about the issues of sustainability, and especially the concrete actions put in place for the benefit of all. stakeholders – explains Mbadimo Tafi, Sic vice president and sole director of Mediatyche – Compared to the scenario of light and shadow of last year, the scenario changes positively : companies, and not only larger ones, attract attention to its environmental impacts, to the well – being of its employees, to the links with the reference territories, commitment which, however, n. is not yet adequately communicated to external referents, nor formally sanctioned by an ad hoc budget. A void to be filled, since communication, which transforms figures into facts and stories to be improved, remains the only way to go. indispensable interpreter, the factor that shows the process of responsibility on the outside, with obvious benefits of image and reputation.
Liability is not only a cost, but above all an opportunity: for more than one in two companies (the 55.6% of 2018 versus 54.3% l & # 39, last year) sustainability is an opportunity to improve processes and make them more efficient. After all, today only 6.1% of respondents see this as a pure expense, while for 35.4%, sustainability is "the way to do business from now on" (+ 5 , 8%).
78.7% of Italian economic subjects today are considered sustainable: "Whether or not they are, it is certain that sustainability is recognized as a value – comments Omer Pignatti, chairman of Sic and CEO of Homina – We are here to make it evolve from the point of view of communication ". And that the theme is more and more central, also the choices of Modern Distribution, which for a long time created a specialized publication, greenretail.news and that collaborates historically with Plef (Planet Life Economy Foundation, member of the national council of the green economy and organizer of the green forum of distribution to be held on October 8th and who will see DM as a leading partner. [19659002] Even those who have defined themselves as "little" or "not at all" sustainable said they want to work on this front, an aspect that is not a priority at this time, however, in terms of company size. Large enterprises, ie those with more than 249 employees, are accentuated
With regard to sustainability policies, 76.4% of those who feel "Very" or "enough" sustainable invest n policies q which affect all sectors, or a good part of them. Data showing that compared to 2017, there is more awareness on the three dimensions of sustainability : 41.5% know that, to be sustainable, they must simultaneously respect the environmental parameters social and economic
Positive orientation towards these issues determines, as mentioned, a real injection of reputation and credibility of the mark. And these benefits are reported by about 6 out of 10 realities: go into details, we are talking about increasing brand awareness (58.3%), greater efficiency of internal processes (57.3 %), cost containment (49.3%) and, also, an increase in sales (39.2%).
Obstacles to overcome? In all, l for lack of budget which, in 53.1% of cases, is the main obstacle to the evolution of a company in a sustainable business. After 24.1% of realities, there is a lack of skills and qualified resources.
The environmental impact is now a priority that companies take into account in projects, products and processes: 88% say it and this attention is expressed in the ease of recycling and reuse of individual components when the product is in the end life (36.7%), in the use of raw materials from recycling activities (34.5%), in the recyclability of the materials used (32.8%), in the l 39; saving of non-renewable raw materials (20.6%).
Employees are also becoming more central: More than 5 out of 10 (54.2%) companies offer benefits or bonuses to their employees in addition to those provided by regulation. In 42.4% of cases, there is talk of medical insurance and in 19.6% of cases, life insurance.
Almost half of the companies also have specific programs for workers i: social integration pole (29%), maternity (28.5%), promotion of diversity (19.1% ). Finally, the link with the territory: 62% includes projects for the benefit of the community, both to non-profit organizations, national and non-national (50.6%), and as policies to support the local fabric.
Research has finally found evidence: sustainability is commercially efficient (81.7%), it's a competitive advantage (76.7%), and most importantly it helps to improve the reputation of a company (87.2%). However, if we translate these data into concrete promotional and communication activities, the percentages fall drastically: only 11.5% have a strategy of communicating their economic, environmental and social performance to the outside world. The vast majority (84.6%) do not have resources allocated to developing a sustainability report, the tool to tell one's soul and responsibility to all stakeholders.
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