Italian universities, ranking Censis. Bologna first, last Naples – Culture


Rome, July 3, 2019 – Also this year the research institute Censis published the ranking of Italian universities . There are a total of 63 clbadifications, spread between state universities, non-state, three-year, magisterial, single cycle masters.

In the first place among the mega-state universities that is to say those with more than 40,000 members, remains the University of Bologna with a score of 91.2 / 100 calculated on the basis of available facilities, services provided, level of internationalization, communication capability 2.0 and other factors. After Bologna, it follows in the ranking, as the year before, Florence ( 86.0) flanked on the same score by the University of Roma La Sapienza which wins two positions compared to 2017, and the University of Padua which stands at one. "The Censis ranking – comments the rector of Padua, Rosario Rizzuto – rewards the daily work of all those who contribute to making the university funky". The University of Naples Federico II (72.4) remains in last position. Antepenultimate Milan (79,8) .

Among the large state universities of 20,000 to 40,000 recorded, Perugia remains at the top of the rankings with a score of 93.8. It follows Calabria with 92. Last the University of Campania Vanvitelli (74,2) .

Siena ranked first among the intermediate universities from 10,000 to 20,000 registered, with a score of 99.0 . Sbadari gains the second position by surpbading the University of Trento. Closes this ranking the University of Naples the Oriental .

Among the small state universities (up to 10,000 members) we find the first university of Camerino.

The ranking of Polytechnics remains stable, led by the Polytechnic University of Milan . Lo Iuav of Venice in second place.

In the ranking of major non-state universities (more than 10,000 members), Bocconi of Milan remained stable in first position, followed by Cattolica . Among the middle (from 5,000 to 10,000) is the first Luiss . Among the small stands the Free University of Bolzano .

To report the continued growth in enrollments increased by 5.2% over the previous academic year. More than 47% of Italians aged 19 choose to attend one of the Italian universities after their maturity. Among the universities with more members, we find those in the economic-statistics (14.5%) and engineering (14.1%) sectors. Boys who decide to relocate abroad for reasons of study and work also increase. More than 44,000 members (almost 4% of the total) participated in a study period abroad both through Erasmus programs and through the international cooperation of different universities.

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