Italians pay more taxes than the European average


cgia tax authorities

Compared to the EU average, each Italian mortgagefully paid 598 euros more to the tax authorities in 2017. It is the CIA's studies office that compared the tax pressure recorded last year in the main European countries and then calculated the per capita tax gap between Italians and citizens of the main EU countries. .

The badysis shows that in France, Belgium and Sweden paid more than us, respectively 1 765, 1 196 and 712 euros. With the exception of Austria, which recorded our same tax burden in 2017, all others had a lower tax burden than ours; This is a burden that has allowed for a tax saving per capita compared to that of Italian citizens: 541 euros in Germany, 996 euros in the Netherlands, 1,964 euros in the United Kingdom and 2,164 euros. euros in Spain.

La Cgia specifies that the amount of the Italian tax burden for 2017 does not take into account the effect of the "Bonus Renzi".

Indeed, last year, the 80 euros granted to employees with low-average wages cost the state coffers 9.5 billion euros.

This latter amount has been recorded in the public administration budget as an additional expense. Therefore, if we recalculate the tax burden taking into account those 9.5 billion euros that are practically a tax break, even if the accounting increases take place, the tax burden drops to 41.6%.

"With the flat tax, local taxes will increase"

According to the coordinator of the consulting firm, Paolo Zabeo, "thanks to the extension to all taxpayers of the application of the flat tax, there is a risk that local taxes will rise again.

In fact, the maneuver did not confirm the blockages of territorial taxes introduced in 2015; it is therefore likely that mayors and governors are raising up the additional tax on income and rates of Irap, dell & Imu and Tasi on second homes and warehouses. If that happened, it would be a real disaster for the budgets of families and businesses.

"With so many taxes and a public service provided by the public, the quality and quantity have decreased in recent years – said the secretary of Cgia Renato Mason – they sacrificed consumption and investment. business, create jobs and redistribute wealth.For small and very small businesses, in particular, the decline in household consumption has created many financial problems, forcing many VAT numbers to close their doors.

The comparison between regions on the public administration

The Cgia argues that the problem of the efficiency and quality of public administration also weighs on the Italian tax authorities: it emerges from the survey conducted by the European Commission on the quality of the Public administration in 192 territories that the main regions of southern Italy occupies 8 times the rank of the 20 most disadvantaged countries, Calabria ranking even in 190th place.

The indicator varies between a hundred, obtained from the Finnish region Aland (first place), to zero went to the Bulgarian Severozapaden region. Although relegated to 118th place at European level, Trentino Alto Adige (index equal to 41.4) is the most virtuous territorial reality of Italy; followed by two other regions in the north-east, Emilia-Romagna and Veneto (index 39.4), ranking 127th and 128th overall. Immediately below are Lombardy (38.9), which occupies 131st place, and Friuli Venezia Giulia (38.7), which is at the 133rd stage of the ranking established by the European Commission.

The southern regions recorded the most disturbing performances. If Campania (index equal to 8.4) is in 186th place, Abruzzo (6.2) are in the 189th and Calabria, the territory on which the Pa works the worst among our 20 regional realities, is even at 190th stage of the general clbadification, with an index of only 1.8 points.

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