Italiaonline, has reached an agreement with the unions on the dismissals


(Teleborsa) – Agreement between Italiaonline and the Unions on Layoffs which ends a lengthy negotiation and tables held by the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE).

According to the agreements reached at the summit held yesterday at the Via Veneto dicastery, in the presence of the minister Luigi Di Maio there will be no surplus and I 400 employees will be laid off for a period of six months . At the end of this period, October 30 it is expected that 250 employees opt for mechanisms of voluntary exodus and others will be moved to other duties. The transfer of 92 employees from the Turin office to Milan is also envisaged, with the commitment made by the company to pay the cost of suburban transfers (train and subway).

to say that the agreement satisfied everyone, the minister, the unions and also the company which implements a vast plan of corporate restructuring. Deputy Prime Minister and owner of MISE, Luigi Di Maio, promised: "We will monitor the implementation of the business plan". Meanwhile, unions say they are "satisfied" with the result and have "blocked" the dismissal (at least temporarily)

2018-07-03 16:15:06


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