"Italy has disappointed me, I'm going back to Ghana, it's going to raise cows, my family needs me"


Amoako Kwadwo is a 19-year-old boy from Ghana, . After crossing the desert, experienced the tragedy of Libyan prisons and the crossing of the Mediterranean had arrived in Lampedusa two years ago. It was full of hope, but after months of life in Padua, disappointment came. He worked hard and earned very little money, Italy was not as expected and then made a decision: return to his country, by plane this time, and help his family. His story is told by Leggo

They told him that he would easily find a job here and that he could put aside a nice nest egg to keep the family, but it was completely different. "I want to return to my country – he said to his friends in Padua just before taking the plane -. I'm tired here and I did not find what I was looking for, while my parents in Africa need me. They repeat it whenever they listen to me.

To support him in his choice the volunteers who helped him in Padua, convinced that the return to Ghana will be a new birth for Amoako, and certainly not a defeat.

received a contribution for the trip, but also 1 400 € to buy five cows and start a breeding in his village in Ghana explains Don Luca Favarin, president of the Padovana onlus Vita Vita -. It really means helping them at home. This is the demonstration that there is a way to go upstream, in the countries of origin of these young people, to avoid that they want to emigrate. They come here to Italy, feeling like a number, but they just want to exist.

The nineteen-year-old welcomed his friends from Padua and a few weeks ago he kissed his. Perhaps he will not have a good memory of Italy and the choice that he has made, at least for the moment, makes him happy.

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