"Italy must leave the euro". The Nobel Stiglitz Council


Italy would do well to leave the euro . To put it this time, it's a Nobel Prize. Joseph Eugene Stiglitz American economist and essayist, Nobel of economics in 2003, has no doubt: "The euro area needs a radical reform, but since it will not be due to the opposition of Germany Italy would do well to get out of the single currency, a risky move but that would bring clear, linear and considerable advantages ".

The council arrives, in writing, on the web pages of Politico in which Stiglitz comments on the positions of Salvini and Di Maio on the more and more necessary reform of Europe which, in its own words, "strongly needed to be reformed" pity that Brussels instead of implementing these vital changes, "introduced strong restrictions on debts and deficits "which represent other obstacles to the economic recovery " .

The star-and-strip economist points to Berlin who is primarily responsible for the current European impbade: "The problem is the reluctance of Germany that blocks any change" Stiglitz 19659005] [ad_2]
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