From 1.5% to 1.3%. Standard & Poor's on the Italian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a reduction in estimates, with a figure that the rating agency stops at 1.2% for next year and 1% for 2020
"Given the absence of structural reforms to boost productivity, we expect that economic growth in Italy will remain slow," they write in a statement to justify the figures released aujourd & # 39; hui.
Unimpresa estimates vice president, Claudio Pucci, commenting on the issue of concern and an badessment that "confirms our fears related to political uncertainty".
For Pucci "there is no precise direction, there is no clear plan to revive the economy., Arrived with dignity of decree, shows how the different souls that make up the parliamentary majority and therefore the government team run the risk of leaving the country in a void that does not give confidence to Italian companies and leave families in a dark picture.The situation is well observed in the markets international financial institutions, as shown by S & P ".
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