Magic evening for the Azzurri that in a PalaLeonessa soldout, beat Lithuania with a score of 70 to 65. Italy which leaves a lot of contract and the Baltici take the opportunity to complete the first fraction in advance on 24 to 20. In second fraction, the men of the coach Sacchetti put the arrow and surpbad themselves thanks to the game of duo Abbad-Luca Vitali and goes to the locker room at +7 (42-35). Maciulis and Kalnietis Get up to the chair in the third fraction and the Lithuanian team find the advantage, but the magic of Filloy ends the period in a draw. Sacchetti and Polonara are decisive and Italy beats Lithuania 12 years later.
Win to continue to pursue the dream called 2019 World Championship for Italy who is expected from the match against the Lithuania to PalaLeonessa di Brescia. The Baltic is one of seven teams already qualified for the China and they are still unbeaten in qualifying (8 wins out of 8 matches). A success would allow the Azzurri approach the pbad for the tournament next year. 30th challenge between the two Nationals of Lithuania leading in direct match with 19 wins. Ball for two at 8:15 pm!
Here are the top five of Meo Sacchetti: Luca Vitali, Pietro Aradori, Stefano Tonut, Christian Burns and Achille Polonara. Lithuania sends Olimpia Milan Mantas to Kalnietis, Maciulis, Seibutis, Echodas and Bendzius.
5⃣ Start Five Azzurro 5⃣
Here are 5 of Meo for Italy-Lithuania! ????
On TV @SkySport 204
Here the playbyplay ➡️ https://t.co/TDLNMCuUdj#Italbasket #ThisIsMyHouse #FIBAWC pic.twitter.com/mi9uehGq2v– Italbasket (@Italbasket) November 29, 2018
First goal for Italy that will aim with Aradori who performs in stop and pulling 2 to 0. The guests move the retina with Kalnietis and Seibutis before Polonara from the bow, he packs 5 to 4. Bendzius punished by three points but the«Italy responds with character with the crush of Polonara and the basket of burns. I'm free to Tonut allow the Azzurri to have an impact on the 13th equal to the seventh minute with bags this leaves room for nice for Aradori. This is the current player's basket ofEstudiantes to force the Adomaitis call the first minute of suspension. The Baltic did not give up, Kalnietis and Maciulis let go a partial of 5 to 0 which is worth 15 to 18 guests at 1 to 30 "from the end of the first quarter.There are three baskets of more than 6.75 (Giedraitis, Girdziunas and Ricci) and one in two of the glbades Michele Vitali close the first period from 20 to 24 in favor of Lithuania. Biligha capitalizes the offensive rebound from 22 to 24 and Mr. Vitali and Filloy report the parity to 26 – 13.. Juskevicius and Giedraitis they take the guests by the hand and bags is forced to call the waiting period between the 26th and the 31. The partial blue causes the explosion. PalaLeonessa, the duo Germani Brescia (Luca Vitali and abbad) reports Azzurri to order from 36 to 31.Adomaitis he is not there and immediately tries to put an end to the inertia by calling his last minute of suspension of the first half. Seibutis and Bendzius stop the bleeding guest (36-35). Italy responds with Polonara, Abbad and with the third time of Aradori which is 42 to 35 in the interval.
Back ➡️ @AwuduAbbad! #FIBAWC #ThisIsMyHouse
https://t.co/pBU9D7bidS @Italbasket ?? pic.twitter.com/MHE4OE3Qxg– Basketball World Cup (@FIBAWC) November 29, 2018
Maciulis first and Burns then they open the shoot with two baskets from below. It's always the Lithuania to aim with the old Real Madrid and Milan and Seibutis then Kalnietis shortens to -1 (47 to 46). geben with a 2 + 1 it is worth the tie on 49 with bags it calls timeout. Match that continues in perfect balance with i Baltic countries who punish with Maciulis for the guest advantage on 51 to 53. Continue the difficulty time of the Azzurri who have trouble finding the way to the basket. Filloy with a magic equal to 53 it's the third quarter result. abbad with a dribble, stop and shot inaugurates the last fraction with the basket of the advantage (55 to 53) followed by the support of Biligha. blackout Lithuanian and theItaly try to escape. Gentile with a nice basket at the back of the basket extends from 59 to 53 to 34.. Adomaitis calls expired but after the minute of suspension Maciulis it's made to whistle technician that the Azzurri they do not get the most out of it. At 5 minutes from the end, the team of coaches bags leads on 60 to 53. Seibutis beyond the bow, the retina moves for the first time in the last period for guests (60-56). 0 out of 2 from Echodas threatens to compromise the return Lithuanian, Kalnietis bag on the counterattack and brings back to a distance possession of the Baltic. Polonara detonates PalaLeonessa with a heavy triple that is almost equalized by 2 out of 2 of the glbades of Echodas. Seibutis false triple the parity, but the hand of Brian Sacchetti do not tremble and Italy is flying on +6 (66-60). Attempts to return to the final of Lithuania are useless. It ends 70 to 65.
#THISISMYHOUSE ❌ @Italbasket ??
https://t.co/pBU9D7bidS pic.twitter.com/zI4WGAA1Gg– Basketball World Cup (@FIBAWC) November 29, 2018
Italy-Lithuania 70-65
Partial: 20-24, 42-35, 53-53
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