It's not true that you already print citizenship income cards


In a live video broadcast on Facebook from Brussels, Labor Minister Luigi Di Maio is back to talk about a strange statement he made for the first time a week ago during A television program, namely that the government has already given a mandate to print more than 5 million cards through which the so-called "citizenship income" will be issued. During the concert, Di Maio greatly moderated his statement, saying that he had "given" his staff to consult Poste Italiane to study the instrument and then, in the future, to "print the cards ".

With this statement, Di Maio is denied. Last November 22, he had said on television Piazza Pulita on La7: "We already have a mandate to print the first five to six million electronic cards". The statement seemed immediately improbable: the so-called "citizenship income", for the moment, not only has not been approved, but is not even mentioned in a pending law of law & # 39; 39; approval. It was therefore not clear on what the government had sent to print the cards.

In addition to denying himself, with his clarifications, Di Maio also denied the Undersecretary of the Economy, Laura Castelli of M5S, last night, while he was a guest of the channel. Eight and a half on La7, he had confirmed that the cards were printed. "It's true that the cards are being printed," Castelli said, adding that it was also necessary to know who was printing them. Castelli, however, found it extremely difficult to answer additional questions from the journalists in the program. In particular, he had not been able to say who was responsible for the press, nor how it was possible to proceed with the printing of something without law or at least a ministerial decree.

A few hours before Castelli's intervention, the government was equally embarrbaded in officially explaining Di Maio's statements. In fact, some members of Forza Italia had sent the government a written question asking them to explain whether there really were millions of printed cards and who would have allowed this press. The government had provided a cryptic answer to the direct question, managing not to say clearly "yes" or "no": "What Minister Luigi Di Maio said during the television broadcast," is written in the response to question, "represents the logical consequence of the intention of this Government to implement, as soon as possible, the realization of all these measures likely to revive the social, economic and productive fabric of this country".

Almost all of the entities involved in the printing and distribution of the cards were equally embarrbaded in responding clearly to this question. The most important of them is Poste Italiane, which owns not only one of the major electronic payment circuits, but has already dealt in the past with the printing and distribution of the product the more similar to the "Citizens Income Card" currently in circulation. that is, the REI card, the card by which the income to be included is received. Italian postal sources consulted by the posts indicate that the company currently has only "technical tables" open to the government, in which there are "consultations" on the subject.

The INPS is another institution essential to the operation of the cards. It is the only organization that, thanks to its databases, knows the income and badets of income recipients and can therefore know how and how much is to be paid on each card. In addition, the INPS will have the task of physically managing the payment. In other words, even if it does not have a direct role in the printing of maps, the INPS must be informed of the progress of the project and the systems with which it will provide, in a few months , the payment of income.

However, for the moment, the details of the project have not yet been communicated, they have left the posts Even if the grant will actually be paid on a card, as has been announced generally, or if it will end up on the recipients' bank account or if it will arrive by other means.

So, with his direct Facebook today, Di Maio has indeed confirmed the suspicions of many: to know that there is "nothing in the press" and that the income of the citizenship is in the study and we will only start in the next few weeks. know more details.

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