it's the law. Fourteen 5 stars do not vote


The House finally approved the security decree. After gathering the vote of confidence yesterday, the provision was transmitted today to Montecitorio with 396 yes, 99 no. The text, which closes the residence permits and establishes the crime of begging harbading, is now law.

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An ola and long applause from the deputies of the league have accepted the approval of the provision. They did not applaud the colleagues of the 5-star movement. Immediately after the Minister of the Interior and Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini he shook hands Riccardo FraccaroMinister of Relations with Parliament who sat next to him.

White masks opposite to say no to a provision that will create "invisible people", alias migrants and asylum seekers. This is the brief protest of the deputies of the Pd, in the Chamber of Deputies, after announcing the vote against the provision about to become law. "These people will continue to exist but for you, they are invisible, without a name or face, but we will not forget them," said parent company Dem. Graziano Delrio concluding his speech.

Fourteen M5S deputies did not vote for the decree on security in the chamber of the chamber and another 22, including Luigi Di Maio, are on mission. In the League, the absentees are 4. Among the 5 absent stars, there are also some who have expressed their disagreement on this provision, as Luigi Gallo, Veronica Giannone, Riccardo Ricciardi, Doriana Sarli and Gilda Sportiello.

"I did not take part in the vote, but rather voted against it, as a sign of respect for the work of those who spent to improve this decree, with poor results," says Sarli at the agency. Adnkronos. "As things went on in the House, no improvement was made to have the Dl have less impact on the social fabric," Sportiello echoed. In total, the unjustified absentee M5S would be 7-8. These include Veronica Giannone, who did not take part in the vote by choice.

"I'm happy, it's a memorable day," Salvini told reporters in Montecitorio. And to those who ask him if he is satisfied with the vote of the whole center on the Salvini decree, he answers: "I am satisfied with the presence of some veterans of the left who think that illegal immigration is not not a problem and that security is a matter of law when it is a theme for everyone. "

"The security decree has finally been approved by the Chamber of Deputies, another element of the government contract has been implemented, we have made specific commitments to the Italians and will continue to respect them. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte wrote it on Twitter later.

Last updated: 21:49 © RESERVED COPY

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