Ivrea. Drunk on his denounced horse 45 years – Chronicle


Ivrea. There are those who have kissed the horse, in the center of Turin (Friedrich Nietzsche), there are those who would give his kingdom for a horse (Shakespeare). And there are those who fought against the windmills on the saddle of his stalker (Cervantes).

But, separate literary quotes, it is to whom the horse drove him completely drunk in the streets of the San Bernardo district of Ivrea, with the risk of causing an accident, or submerging a pbader-by.

Success in the late evening of last Friday. Fortunately, the happy runner, RV Ivrea's 45-year-old, riding his horse, was blocked by agents of a state police steering wheel, alerted by a couple of police officers. locals who had seen it proceed in zigzag creating traffic and pedestrian transit.

A rickety walk that threw the attendants into a panic. The man was denounced and fined for drunken drunkenness. When the officers arrived, the horse had been thrown from the horse: already drunk had not squeezed the saddle on the back of the animal, which slipped and dropped it to the ground. The horse, without a guide, did not fled, but stopped with his master. And he stood there, docile, the reins on the ground. Then it was reported

in the arena by the police, while the rider was taken to the police station. Here, the man was subjected to a positive alcohol test. And then it was reported. Driving along the road is allowed, but not in a state of alcoholic modification. –

L.Mr. .

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