Japan: 141 deaths due to floods: Prime Minister Abe cancels trip


Sale to at least 141 casualties the still provisional budget of the floods that struck Western Japan . This was reported by a government spokesman, stating that the missing had risen to about ten years. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe canceled the planned trip to France, Belgium, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, to stay in relief.

Japan, at least 100 deaths due to bad weather

Although there has been an interruption of rainfall Over the past few hours, the National Meteorological Agency has warned of the risk of new landslides and landslides. The government mobilized 73,000 rescuers, providing financial support to all the municipalities devastated by the weather.

The number of deaths increases from hour to hour – According to local authorities, the count of victims is subject to increase from hour to hour, and a probable estimate of damages does not can not yet be formulated. The total number of deaths caused by bad weather in Japan is the worst in recent decades and includes disasters caused by the strong typhoons that regularly hit the country during the rainy season.

The spokesman of the Tokyo government confirmed that Abe's decision not to leave for the trip to Belgium, France, Saudi Arabia and Egypt is linked to the floods that devastated the western part from the country. From the program, the Japanese Prime Minister should have gone to Brussels to sign an economic partnership agreement between Japan and the European Union. "We are studying the possibility of signing it as soon as possible," said the prime minister's spokesman. Abe would then go to Paris for a bilateral meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron. He will also participate, as the guest of honor of the French Head of State, in the traditional military parade on July 14th. Later, he should travel to Saudi Arabia and Egypt. But faced with the severity of the exceptional rains that have left at least 100 dead and dozens missing, the government has decided to prioritize the rescue of the victims.

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