Japan: 6 sect members executed – Last hour


(ANSA) – TOKYO, JULY 26 – The Japanese government has executed
the 6 still held members belonging to the Aum sect
Shinrikyo, considered among those responsible for the attacks of the
1995, played in the Tokyo subway with sarin gas. the
their death sentence follows that of the beginning of the month of the founder
of worship, Shoko Asahara – the first to be executed
with 6 other convicts, in connection with a series of
crimes committed by the "Supreme Truth" sect, which has idealized
the end of the world. Auditions of Aum members are gone
forward for more than 20 years in the Japanese audience halls,
with nearly 200 indictments and 12 death sentences. The same
Asahara was arrested in May 1995, two months later
the attack of March 20 accomplished in the subway of the
Japanese capital, in which there were 13 deaths, and more than 6,200
people stayed involved. His death sentence had been
finalized in 2006.


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