Jordan closes borders


A humanitarian crisis is under way in southern Syria due to the government's offensive in Dar & a, in southern Syria. Humanitarian agencies report 270,000 fleeing civilians. Jordan has closed the borders for days and does not intend to accommodate the displaced, which motivates the decision with the fact that in recent years it has hosted about 600,000 of his territory. Since Geneva, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has asked Jordan to open the border and allow tens of thousands of civilians to flee to Hasbemite territory: they do not know where sleep, they have nothing to eat

Israeli authorities have launched a campaign to ask the inhabitants of the Golan region, on the border with Syria, to help refugees who have camped in recent days on the other side of the border. Already in recent days, the Israeli army has intervened with food aid of several tons and 300 tents for refugees.

The government agency San & # 39; reiterated that the offensive is against the "terrorists" and not against civilians, instead, they are "protected" and invited to leave the areas between Militia hands through "four secure corridors to the north and east of Dar". However, the United Nations says that at least 46 civilians have been killed in air and artillery attacks so far, and several have been injured. The Syrian Observatory of Human Rights (voice of the opposition exiled in London) speaks of 132 victims among civilians.

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