July 4 – Iranian President Rohani visits Vienna


On Wednesday, July 4, Iran's President Hbadan Rouhani will travel to Vienna, the second leg of a European tour that led the leader of the Islamic Republic to Switzerland earlier this week. The main objective of these two days is to try to find a solution with the European partners to save the nuclear agreement (joint global action plan – JCPOA), whose stability has been compromised by recent decertification by the Member States. United States. With the backtracking announced by President Donald Trump last May, indeed, the US government has indeed reintroduced the economic sanctions in effect against the country until 2015, which, starting in August next, will not only apply to natural persons and Iranian law but also to any third party company or finance economic relations with the Islamic Republic.

The application of these provisions could therefore jeopardize the flourishing trade relations between Iran and Europe and, with it, the difficult path of reopening Iran to the community international. The prospect of a new bottleneck in trade relations with foreign countries and new sanctions led many foreign companies to leave the country, in order to avoid any form of possible retaliation on the part the United States. This theft has repeatedly pushed the Tehran government to ask its European counterpart to take a step forward to counterbalance Washington's unilateral decision and, as a result, safeguard the deal itself.

In this context, Rouhani's visit seems to be the culmination of a broader diplomatic effort made by the executive over the past two months, to try to get concrete badurances from other signatory states JCPOA (the permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany), to present to the internal opposition and, especially, to the Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei. The latter, top of the institutional hierarchy of the Islamic Republic and responsible for national security, has repeatedly stressed that the failure of JCPOA would result in a reduction of commitments made by Tehran and, therefore, a reactivation of the program of nuclear research.

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