July 4, the day of American independence


49 million people traveling to the United States to celebrate the American holiday feast that of the birth of the nation. July 4 celebrates the independence of the United States and in the best of American traditions as of July 4 is a party that has ended several times in the cinema: it is the Independence Day . WHAT HAS ARRIVED ON JULY 4
On July 4, 1776, 242 years ago, the Continental Congress, that is, the badembly of the 56 delegates of the 13 British colonies on American soil (New Hampshire, Mbadachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia) adopted the Declaration of Independence

. The document sanctioned the farewell to the now hated homeland with the elimination of all the restraint of dependence Britain's policy that had not granted d & # 39; to have a vote and a formal representation in the American colonies and these felt exploited: the colonies could trade only with the motherland and not they had autonomously available what they produced. The motto of the rebels was " no imposition without representation ", no taxes without political representation in the British parliament.

No to this demand led to the uprising of the colonies as early as 1773. The best known is that of Boston Tea Party . A group of settlers disguised as Indians stormed some of the ships of the Indian Tea Company in Boston and threw their goods into the sea to protest the favorable conditions enjoyed by English merchants. The real war, with George Washington to rule the Americans, continued from 1775 to 1778. The British recognized American autonomy in 1783 and in 1787 the Philadelphia Convention adopted the current state constitution. United

"We believe that these truths are obvious: that all men are created equal; that they come from the Creator endowed with certain inalienable rights, among which are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness ; that to guarantee these rights, governments are established between men who derive their just powers from the consent of the governed … "

The text of the declaration, which contains some of the basic principles of the philosophy that still governs the states United States, was drafted the future third president Thomas Jefferson .The approval took place on July 2, 4 was the ratification of the law at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia, where he is preserved with the bell of liberty Congress President John Hanbad signed it and after him the elected representatives of the 13 colonies.

This was not immediately a holiday on July 4. Just Jefferson died in 1826, July 4, 50 years after the declaration and the date became even more solemn.Already in 1781 he was recognized by Mbadachusetts and the term Independence Day was used for the first in 1791. From 1870 it was established as an unpaid federal holiday for government employees. It was only in 1941 that it became a paid federal holiday.

Events and parades are organized in each state. Stars are stars and stripes and fireworks, but also barbecues and baseball games.

Foreigners arrived at the cinema on July 4 Independence Day and he was Born on July 4 the veteran played by Tom Cruise and directed by Oliver Stone who becomes pacifist after losing the use of his legs in the horror of Vietnam


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