Juncker and Trump seek a way out of their duties


It was that the White House's preliminary face-to-face meeting between Donald Trump and Jean-Claude Juncker lasted no more than a quarter of an hour before the real confrontation between the delegations takes place. And despite the statements of the tycoon and the president of the European Commission, the climate seems difficult

"I hope to reach an agreement," said the US president, even going so far as to invoke the 39, ideal of "no homework", no barriers and no subsidies ", and defining Juncker" a very intelligent man and a difficult negotiator. "For his part, the President of the Commission replied that the EU and the United States are "close friends and partners, allies and non-enemies," and so they must work together to solve the problem, reducing rather than increasing it. 19659004] Ways and Means and words away from those of the previous day, with Trump distorting his resentment towards the "enemy" European Union, claiming that "homework is a big thing." And with the EU, who said that They did not want to negotiate with the gun the unilateral rights destiny In the temple, already taken in steel and aluminum, threatening in turn the rights on US products for $ 20 billion, in addition to those already in place on $ 3.3 billion. Maneuvers have however also been undertaken to evaluate the possibility of solutions or truces, as the European idea to promote the elimination of tariff barriers on cars by all major producing countries. It should be remembered that if the Union has higher duties on imported cars, the United States has more rights on vans.

However, the more open attitude that Trump is growing is the world of business and Congress. There could be laws restricting the use of generic national security reasons for triggering actions, particularly against allied countries. Yesterday, the same Trump raised in a micro-message a generic suggestion to bring down all the barriers and subsidies between the US and the EU, saying "we are ready, they are not," even s & ## 39, we must remember the ambitious negotiations for a broad transatlantic pact, they had failed before his presidency. The automotive sector is now mbadively mobilized against all of the new 25% barriers that could traumatize global production and supply chains and target imports of $ 335 billion a year. GM's quarterly report has already suffered from rising metals due to tariffs, with repercussions on the stock market. But worries are also in other sectors, like agriculture: the administration launches an extraordinary aid of 12 billion to rescue the operators damaged by the commercial retaliation, by taking again the programs of the Great Depression, but industry badociations are skeptical and demand solutions to disputes.

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