Juncker staggers at the top of NATO. The Meloni Slit: 'Ubriacone'


The video published on twitter by Giorgia Meloni is a direct attack on the president of the Commission, Jan Cloude Juncker . The images published by the leader of the Brothers of Italy come from the ceremony of the NATO summit in Brussels yesterday. We note Angela Merkel, Donald and Melania Trump, Emmanuel Macron and Theresa May. In the background, the flag of the Atlantic Alliance is lifted during the ceremony

. To attract the attention of Meloni, however, the man behind is helped by two people coming down the stairs because he seems to have difficulty walking. It is actually the Jean Cloude Juncker who walks limping and at times, speaking to people who are close to him, he also risks falling back. Supported by some of his colleagues, the Commission's President is slowly advancing

Meloni is very hard: "The drunkard supported by two people to prevent him from falling to the ground, c & rsquo; #Juncker is the president of the European Commission, on which depend the fate of our companies, millions of Italian workers and the future of our nation, do you feel calm? "

The drunkard supported by two people to prevent it from falling to the ground, the president of the European Commission #Juncker on which depend the fate of our companies , millions of Italian workers and the future of our nation.Do you feel peaceful? pic.twitter.com/95rkNuVoLV

– Giorgia Meloni ن (@GiorgiaMeloni) 12 July 2018

According to the Giorno video goes back to Wednesday just in the distance from the negotiations at the summit born when the leaders met for the usual photo. present did not miss the amazing march of Junker and so they asked the Portuguese Antonio Costa if he had any problems.He reiterated that it was about sciatica problems. [19659007] [ad_2]
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