Juncker writes to Conte, without progress on landings. No from Libya to EU camps on its territory (by A. Mauro)


"We are absolutely against the idea that Europe is officially asking us to place illegal immigrants (in Libya, ndr) that the EU does not want to welcome". Libyan Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj freezes the EU. But especially Italy and especially Matteo Salvini. Last week, at the European summit of Interior Ministers in Innsbruck, the leader of the Northern League imagined to define Libya as a refuge, from one day to the other, to return migrants rescued to the Mediterranean. The words uttered by the Libyan Prime Minister in an interview to the German newspaper Bild gelano Salvini, who actually greets them with a "no comment". In fact, al-Sarraj places a gravestone on the Italian plan on immigration presented by Giuseppe Conte at the mini-summit in Europe, before the EU Council

It was a proposal of ten pages. It provided for the establishment of controlled centers for migrants in third countries, the provision on the spot of persons entitled to asylum and those to be repatriated. A plan that failed a few days later, at the European Council in late June, under the insistence of Frenchman Emmanuel Macron who managed to impose his vision: centers in EU countries who want , on a voluntary basis. This option has also failed, at least until now. But the words of al-Sarraj tipped all Salvini's plans, some of them being able to send the migrants back to Libya, convinced of the results of his talks in Tripoli. There was also, on June 25th. He returned full of accusations against France "more interested in economic interests in Libya than in human rights". But he did not report anything that he said.

The Libyan way is closed, that of Europe is always difficult. A month and a half after the birth of the Conté government, Italy remains tight between the north and the south. Nobody wants to cooperate on migrants. Al-Sarraj himself complains that "we Libyans are always very lonely when it comes to saving these people, there is not enough support for our Coast Guard". And he says "surprised that nobody in Europe wants to welcome migrants, we are asked to take back hundreds of thousands". Is it a request for new funds, yours? Officially no: "We will not even agree with any agreement with the EU funds," says the Libyan Prime Minister, the only one recognized by the international community. The other is General Haftar, who heads Cyrenaica and is closer to Egypt and France: if al-Serraj says no, let alone Haftar

remains the European Commission, the only body which – as has already happened with the Renzi and Gentiloni governments – demonstrates the proximity of Italian demands. In 2015 President Jean Claude Juncker tried with the plan on offshoring: failed in the hostility of the Eastern countries and the blockade of Visegrad, the sovranist allies that Salvini continues to treat despite not helping them on immigration, the theme on which the leader of the Northern League decided to make a political career. Now, the European Commission says we want to try again. Or at least that is what Juncker writes to Conte

In a letter replying to that sent by the Italian Prime Minister, Juncker promises that the Commission "will continue to work without stopping all summer," he said. One part to support the efforts of the states. On the other hand, the Member States are preparing the legislative proposals that will be presented in September in order to strengthen European border guards and coastguards and make the return policy more effective ". It agrees with the idea of ​​the Government of Rome to establish a crisis unit coordinated by the Commission with the mission of coordinating, in case of urgency, joint actions. But here the positive part ends.

Because all the mechanisms that Juncker has issued are voluntary. A criterion that – paradoxically – Italy does not dispute from the outset: it would jeopardize Salvini's agreements with nationalists throughout Europe. In fact, Conte positively comments Juncker's answer, flying over details and yet fundamental. "The EU recognizes that the problem is European," writes the Prime Minister on Facebook

Too bad that in the same letter, Juncker states that the "ad hoc" solutions put in place since Italy have decided This leads to NGOs and, as the case may be, also to Italian Coast Guard vessels, "they do not represent a sustainable and satisfactory way to proceed". You can not proceed randomly from time to time. "We should instead look for more predictable methods based on European support, both from a financial point of view and in terms of operational support from EU agencies, while avoiding any risk factor. "attraction," writes the president of the European body And most importantly, Mr Juncker points out that "we must not forget, however, that the EU does not have jurisdiction to determine the safe place / port to be used for landings as a result of a search and rescue operation at sea ". Technical discussions are already under way on concrete measures to monitor these agreements. "

The landing knot remains so.But the count thanks Brussels.S Salvini today, however, is a silent ice cream with Libyan closures.

The theme of the. Immigration will be discussed again in Geneva on July 30 at the summit of the Mediterranean countries, a date coinciding with a sort of ultimatum launched by Salvini in Innsbruck: "At the end of July, I will draw conclusions about the behavior of the Mediterranean. "Until now, there has not been much to pull, otherwise the dozens of migrants finally welcomed by France, Germany, Malta, Spain, Portugal and Ireland, who have declared themselves ready to dissolve the stalemate of the ships stuck in the Mediterranean by Salvini .. One-off solutions, which are not the rule, also says Juncker

Next week, meanwhile "the Commission should present a" concept note "on the controlled centers s, where to transfer migrants rescued at sea and where to repatriate illegal migrants and redistribute asylum seekers to other Member States – all on a voluntary basis – and we are leading: narrow north and south, without real allies, perched on a situation of urgency more and more revealed as propaganda. (function (d, s, id) {
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