Justice and Immigration, Fico makes (more and more) the anti-Salvini


Roberto Fico of the highest pulpit of Montecitorio, returns to speak about the political actuality. And it does, as it did in cases and NGOs, by distancing itself from Matteo Salvini's line. This time, the focus is on the Supreme Court's decision on the League's funds and the Interior Minister's circular asking the Asylum Committees to close the funds. granting of residence permit for humanitarian reasons

. While attending a meeting of citizens of the Vasto district of Vicaria district in Naples, the President of the House did not stop when the journalists approached him to ask him for a comment on the badault of Lega prosecutors. The words of Fico were clear: " I share the thoughts of the Minister of Grace and Justice: the sentences must be respected and it is a final sentence that must be respected, all here ". Yesterday, indeed, Bonafede had opened a small crack in the Lega-M5S report evoking "the scenarios of the second Republic". Of course: Di Maio, while sharing the sentences of his colleague, had explained that he had " no embarrbadment for this case because it concerns the issues of diamonds and of diplomas in Albania by Bossi ". And not therefore the Carroccio of Salvini .

The fact remains that while the Carroccio speaks of "political process" and appeals to Mattarella the Grillini are not marked. Which more (read Bonafede and Fico), which less (Di maio). And it is precisely the President of the House who seems to want to badume the role of chief of the reduced grillina of those who do not really appreciate Salvini's hug. Just think of the question of NGOs: Fico said that he, the ports, would not close them; and he did not change his mind even when, in an evening phone call, the political leader M5S replied that "it takes respect, compactness if we want to believe in our project."

Di Maio does not want sticks in the yellow-green wheels. Still, still from Naples, Fico did not fail to pinch the Interior Minister (yet) on immigration. When reporters asked him if it was right to reduce humanitarian protection for asylum seekers, Fico did not ask the question and replied that "the law must be respected". The circular Viminale, in short, does not seem to meet the applause of the summit of Montecitorio: "The law is clear – he repeated – the territorial commissions are independent commissions and do their work."

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