Kena already has half a million customers, TIM at full speed


Kena the second mark of TIM "does not scream much but has already half a million customers and has managed to protect TIM from aggressive policies of Iliad without "Cannibalize". "To say that he was the CEO of TIM Amos Genish, during the presentation of the second quarter results and answer badysts' questions about the impact of the new operator.

According to Genish also Iliad customers "for 60-65% they are" portable ", but TIM" lost less market share thanks to the good positioning with Kena. "Our feeling," adds Genish "from the point of view of lost customers in favor from Iliad, it is that they are the so-called surfers. Those who move quickly from one operator to another are not as young as we thought, they are over 40 and are heavy data consumers. "Moreover," from the peak observed at the time of launch with time we see the migration decrease, now already a third. "

  Amos Genish
Amos Genish

The figures seem consistent with the statements of the CEO operating results reported in the financial report for the first half of 2018 have just been approved, are in fact in accordance with the Digitim Plan and appear confirm the company's leadership in a highly competitive and challenger market .

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The Group has indeed seen an increase of its revenues of 1.5% over one year organic base (9.5 billion euros, while the profit amounted to 618 million euros). euros, + 3.7% still year by year Net financial debt finally adjusted decreased by 167 million euros compared to 31 December 2017, falling to 25 141 million euros

See also: AGCOM, the separation of the TIM network can not be imposed [19659008"ItwilltaketimetounderstandthenextstepsofIliadanditsportfolioproductsbecausetheirproposta(ifextended)wouldnotbesustainable"addedGenish"ThereisnotonlytheeffectsofIliadbutthemarketingeneraltotakeintoaccountthetacticalresponsesofotheroperatorsbutIseethemarketmovinginourfavor"Intwoorthreemonthswewillhavetoreevaluatethings"


According to the data, the loss of 200 thousand lines" even includes over-ips, looking at the situation monthly, in March and April the billing rate had a very strong impact, but in June there were only 45,000 losses, the trend seems to improve, "he added.

Our main driver is the network, all tests made by customers show that we are better in customer satisfaction.Many believe that quality is better than the price, "concluded Genish.

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