Lanciano, found the statue of Christ of the Abyss: who had it taken?


  Lanciano, found the statue of Christ of the Abyss: who took it?

Nearly a month after his disappearance of the waters of the port of Vallevò in Rocca San Giovanni (Chieti), where he was placed in 1994 and a few hours after his discovery among the rocks near the pier of San Vito Chietino, it's a dense mystery about what happened to the bronze statue of Christ of the Abyss, symbol of the Navy of the Costa dei Trabocchi, in Abruzzo. To spot it in the murky waters of the Sanvitese Sea a diver. The case investigation of Carabinieri of Ortona and the Port Authority

It is yellow on what happened It was stuck between the rocks near the pier of San Vito (Chieti), the bronze statue of the Christ of the Abyss. It was missing from June 4, when divers who had plunged for the usual maintenance did not find him in his place, on the seabed of the port of Vallevò in Rocca San Giovanni (Chieti), where it was located since 1994. After a recently restored, the work had been repositioned on the seabed at more than six meters deep, bolted to its concrete base.

Luigi Morgione, 58, from Lanciano. The work of 73 centimeters high, weighing 15 kilos, made by the sculptor Vito Pancella for the Orsa Minore di Lanciano badociation, is the symbol of the Navy of the Costa dei Trabocchi.

The metal was sighted in the murky waters of the Sanvitese Sea, the diver first exchanged the sculpture for a copy of the World Cup. The investigations of the carabinieri of the Ortona Company and the Port Authority, commenced immediately after the flight report, will now have to verify how the statue, which is in good condition, has returned to the sea. [19659005] A year ago for the first time he was brought to the surface to be cleaned up, and then reinstalled in his place. Christ of the Abyss will be returned to the mayor of Rocca San Giovanni. Gianni Di Rito.

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